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Princess Hazel cursed as she slipped into her bed chambers. She was late. She should have been gone by now.

  The stupid Messenger had too much news to convey.

  Hazel opened her wardrobe and quickly changed out of the flowing silk dress of golden to a simpler cotton one. She pulled a black cloak over her head and heard something clatter to the floor.

  Bending down, she picked up her tiara. It was a pure gold circlet studded with rubies and emeralds and sapphires and diamonds. If Pluton was known for it's wealth she might as well show it off.

  She stared at it for a second. She'd keep it,  just in case. In case she ran into someone who didn't know his place. She wouldn't need it though, as long as she stayed within the kingdom borders, which she would.

  Because in Pluton, nobody touches the princess.

  Even when Hazel wasn't recognized for her royal blood. When Crown Princess Bianca was the only princess in Pluton. Before Bianca had abandoned her crown and joined Queen Artemis. Before King Hades had traveled to Olympia and recognized the orphaned thirteen- year- old servant girl as the lost princess of Pluton.

  Even then nobody touches the princess.

  It was known throughout the kingdom.

  Nobody touches the princess.

  It was punished by death.

  Nobody touches the princess.

  It had never happened before.

  And it never will.

  Hazel cleared her thoughts and quickly stuck the crown into her cloak.

  She clamped a towel over her nose and mouth before unlocking the bottom drawer of her wardrobe. She carefully pulled out the bag tied with a long string.

  Hurrying to the balcony she pushed it open and peeked out. There was a guard on each of the seven balconies below hers and then four stationed the back wall of the rather small palace.

  Good. Just like normal.

  She lowered the bag and watched as each guard tried to hack away at the thick string only to faint.

  After the coast was clear, Hazel brought the string back up and locked it in the drawer. She dropped the cloth on her bedside table. She went out on the balcony and closed the doors behind her.

  Taking a deep breath, she hoisted herself on the balcony railing before dropping her feet. She climbed downwards, her feet placed on the certain edges, like a memorized routine.

  Her feet hit solid ground and she broke out in a sprint. She whistled loudly and smiled when she could hear the familiar sound of hooves on the ground.

  Her beloved horse, Arion, appeared at her side in lightning speed. She grabbed his mane, hooked one leg on the saddle and threw her other leg over his body.

  He took off.

  She smiled as the wind blew her hair back. Looking back she saw the guards waking up, confused at first, but then resuming their duty. Nobody knew she was gone.

  The trip to the border was short, the wind gone too fast. Thank the gods for Arion's speed.

  She hopped off her horse and reached into her bag pulling out a golden treat. "Here, boy," she whispered. She patted his flank. "Go on. Come back in an hour, okay?"

  Arion snorted softly and rubbed Hazel affectionately before taking off.

  Hazel turned to the wire fence that separated Pluton from Sparta. She searched amongst the green and brown for the red sash he wore, a sign of his superiority. He didn't like it and often fiddled with it but being crown prince he had no choice.

  Then she saw him. The adorable teddy bear of a man who she had a deep regard for. She couldn't quite place it. He blushed when she caught his eye. She smiled, curtsying.

  "Lord Frank." She trained her eyes to the ground.

  He tripped as he tried to bow, causing his face to grow redder. "L- Lady Hazel," he stuttered. Hazel bit back a laugh. He was just too adorable.

  They stood for a second in complete silence before straightening. Hazel sighed and placed her palms on the fence, all signs of politeness disappearing. Frank placed his hands on hers, the fence breaking their touch. His hands were three times the size of hers.

  "Sorry I was late," she said.

  Frank shook his head. "No problem."

  She turned at slid her back on the fence until she was sitting down. He sat down, his back to hers. They sat there talking. Talking about everything there is to talk about in the world. He was her best friend. She was his.

  Too soon, Arion came trotting over. He nickered and lightly bumped his head against Hazel. "Has it been an hour already?" She asked.

  Arion nodded. Frank got up and Hazel followed suit. They looked at each other for a moment. One day she would cross that fence. One day she would be able to talk to him without wires in the way. One day.

  But that day was not today.

  She sighed and mounted her horse. "Until next week," she said quietly.

  He nodded. "Until then."

  He watched as she pulled the hood over her head and disappeared with her horse, leaving only dust behind.


hey guys, so i updated. I appreciate everyone that's commenting.

*cough @mirialexander cough*

anyway, if you guys like these story please vote and comment please please don't be a ghost reader. it makes me feel terrible.

later, am

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