f i r e

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Leo brought the hammer down on the metal plate one more time before scooting away from the flames and wiping his forehead with an already greasy towel. He hardly looked like a prince now. His hair was greasy. His face was greasy. His clothes were greasy. He felt at home.
  His older brother was to his right. He had more of a blacksmith's body then Leo. He was burly and fit while Leo was a stick. Crown Prince Charles, or Beckendorf as everyone called him, was in the middle of making yet another sword to add to his collection. He never uses any of them.
  To his left was his older sister, Princess Nyssa. Nyssa was more built then Leo. She was creating a surprise for their father. Even Leo and Beckendorf had no idea what it was.
  They were all dirty and greasy and smelt like smoke. That's what Leo loved about his siblings. They didn't mind getting their hands dirty. Usually they were always dirty.
  The door to the royal forges opened and King Hephaestus of Sicily lumbered in. He used to be ugly. The ugliest man in the world. After a while though, Beckendorf's fiancé, Crown Princess Silena of Corinth, helped straighten him out. Now he was average looking with a strong jawline, bold eyes, and a metal foot to replace his missing one.
  "Hey guys," he said. "I just got an invitation to the ball at Olympia. All three of you, and me were invited."
  All the sounds of metal against metal came to a stop. "Wait, a ball? Like the place where you have to dress up?" Nyssa asked.
  Hephaestus shrugged. "Apparently."
  All three groaned. Hephaestus shrugged. "Look on the bright side. I can get people to stop saying I'm ugly. I'm not anymore."
  That was true. The only people that knew about the kings makeover was everyone in Sicily and Silena. Being an island kingdom made it easy to hide.
  Leo nodded. "That's true."
  "I also got a seamstress to custom make your dresses. She'll be coming to your rooms any time now so I suggest you get cleaned up."
  The three got up and headed in separate directions towards their rooms.
  After quickly showering, Leo got dressed and was about to go get something to eat when there was a knock on the door.
  He opened the door to see an old lady with warts all over her wrinkled face and a hook nose. Leo bit his tongue to keep from saying something he would regret. "You- you're the seamstress?"
  She clicked her tongue. "No dear. I just brought her to your chambers." She stepped aside and there was the most beautiful girl Leo had ever laid eyes on. Her cinnamon hair was long and her almond eyes were breathtaking. Her nose was scrunched up. "You smell."
  So much for taking a shower.
  "Pleasure. I'm Leo." He shot her a grin but she looked unimpressed.
  "Calypso. Now go take a proper shower or I'm not custom making anything."
  Leo smiled. "Anything for you, sunshine."


so since it is spring break for me next week i cannot update next week.
it isn't like anyone is reading this so.
later, am

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