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She ran onto the edge of a cliff.  How could she be so stupid?

  The cyclopes were closing in.

  She had two choices. Five seconds.


  Jump to her death off the cliff into a pit of spiders.


  Or she could get eaten alive by the cyclopes.


  The first choice was looking very good.


  It didn't matter, she was going to die anyway.


"ANNABETH!" The Crown Princess took her head out of her book. It had just been getting to the good part.

  Her room doors flung open and her mother, Queen Athena of Athens, came running in. "Annabeth, you will not believe who just invited us to their kingdom."

  Annabeth rolled her eyes. Athena usually didn't act like this. Lately, she was starting to sound a lot like Queen Aphrodite. "From you tone of voice it's someone you don't like. Queen Aphrodite?"

  Athena shook her head. "It's King-"


  "No, it's King-"


  "Annabeth, it's-"


  "NO! It's King Poseidon."

  Annabeth shrugged. "So? Poseidon's cool."

  Athena narrowed her grey eyes. "Annabeth." Her voice was firm. "We do not like Poseidon or anyone who lives in Atlantis." She shuddered at the name. "We are Athenians, remember? Don't be a traitor."

  Annabeth nodded reluctantly. "So we're not going to Atlantis?"

  "No way. I don't want to go anywhere near that place."

  "Uh, mom, their kingdom is right next to ours. The only thing that separates us is a fence."

  Now Athena rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. Now put that book down and get ready for you math session."

  Annabeth groaned internally. As much as she loved math and as much as she was good at it she struggled. She was amazed with her own brains at times because she was ADHD and dyslexic.

  "Okay, can I just finish this part. It's the climax." She smiled.

  Athena grinned, understanding, and sharing, her daughter's love for books. "Of course, dear."

  She hurled herself off the cliff.


hey guys,

so short update but be sure to check out broken glass summary! i would appreciate if you guys, you know, read this story. but whatever.

later, am

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