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Annabeth's carriage bounced down the rocky road as she headed towards Atlantis. She was alone but didn't mind. She had her stash of books with her and a carriage to herself.

"Your Highness. We have arrived." It was the guard that stood outside the doors.

She reached up, straightening the gold crown atop her head and draped her grey sash on her arms. She heard a long and clear sound from outside and realized it was a conch shell. The sound of Atlantis.

The doors opened and her guard helped her out.

The royal family themselves were there to greet her.

She recognized King Poseidon immediately. His green eyes were warm and his deep blue sash was wrapped around him in a kingly way. He shook her hand. The Queen and soft brown ringlets to her waist and light blue eyes. She smiled at Annabeth and took her hand. The princes looked distracted by everything that happened from the rustling of leaves to the stomping of the impatient horses being led away. Prince Tyson grinned widely and shook her hand enthusiastically, his green eyes mirroring his father. Crown Prince Perseus smirked at her in a way that immediately annoyed her. She glanced his way quickly and looked back up at the King.

They foursome bowed. "Lady Annabeth, a pleasure to finally meet you." The king said.

Annabeth curtsied politely. "Same to you my lord. All of you. I am sorry my mother couldn't make it. I do hope we can still discuss an alliance."

Poseidon laughed heartly. "Of course. Now, forgive me, but I am needed elsewhere at the moment. Amphitrite and I will see you at dinner." He turned to his younger son. "Tyson, you have tutoring. Ella would be waiting for you."

The boy's eyes lit up and he scurried away. The King and Queen followed him to the palace.

She realized Perseus' gaze on her and blushed.

He smirked. "Guess it's just me and you. I can show you the back if you want. It's one of Atlantis' specialities."

Annabeth shrugged and followed him down the pathway that led to the back. "A garden? That would be Corinth or Eleusis or maybe even Pluton's speciality. How could it possibly be-"

The princess gasped. It wasn't the lush gardens that looped in intricates arcs and swirls, or the pearl swings that adorned the pathways.

It was the lake. Forgetting that she wasn't in her own kingdom, she ran forward and knelt at the bank. The water was crystal clear, the schools of fish easily identifiable underneath the surface. "Gods, this is beautiful! There are clownfish and oscars and, um what is that called again?" She groaned agitatedly.

"European seabass?" A voice supplied.

Annabeth spun around so fast, she fell on her elbow in the dirt. Perseus was smiling a half-smile, amusement twinkling in his eyes. She'd forgotten he was there.

Embarrassed, she rose, brushing the dirt of her toga. "Um, sorry about that, my lord."

He laughed. "That's alright. I get that reaction a lot. I don't know a lot of princesses who know that much about fish. They know math and history and all the boring stuff. Oh, and call me Percy."

Annabeth smiled. "Well then Percy, I'll let you know, I know quite a lot about math and history and all the boring stuff. I'm Athenian."

Percy laughed. "Right."

They continued along the path together.

"So," Percy said quietly. "You're betrothed?"

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. Luke of Arcadia. I mean, I know him. I love him, but he's more of a brother to me. It's gonna be kind of awkward when we get married."

Percy laughed but there was no humor in it. "I got betrothed yesterday. To Princess Katie. She hates me. Honestly, we're probably not going to even end up getting married. I've been rejected by so many princesses, Tyson is probably going to take the throne."

"How do you reject a betrothal? Is that even possible?" That perked Annabeth's interest. She would do anything to keep from marrying Luke.

"The parents of the girl need to agree. So far, all these princesses have gotten their way. Princess Bianca joined the hunt, Princess Clarisse said I was too annoying, Princess Nyssa said I wasn't her type, the list goes on and on. At least Luke cares for you."

"Yes but he's in love with someone else. She's a hunter though, and she hates him."

Annabeth tripped on her feet and would have fallen if Percy hadn't caught her.

Percy was about to respond when a conch sounded. Dinner.

"Thank you." Annabeth breathed.

Percy turned red and his heart fluttered. He was at a loss of words.

She cleared her throat and Percy immediately let go. Together, they hurried towards the door, avoiding each other's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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