f l o w e r

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Princess Piper was sitting on a swing in the garden daydreaming about a certain blue- eyed blonde- haired prince and playing with a flower when she heard a ear-piercing, throat-scratching, nails-on-chalkboard scream.
  She looked up. This was a daily occurrence from her mother but today it was higher than normal. Piper's personal guards who were standing exactly ten feet away didn't bother doing anything. They knew that scream. Everyone in the castle knew that scream.
  Queen Aphrodite came running out of the palace surprisingly fast in her high heels and magnificent red dress and robes. "Piper, oh my gods, you will not believe it!"
  "What?" She asked, flicking her choppy brown hair out of her kaleidoscope eyes.
  "There's going to be a ball! And everyone's going to be there!" She stopped for a second and sighed dramatically. "Even Prince Frank." She wiggled her eyebrows. "If you just tell me I can give you two some alone time."
  "Mom!" Piper groaned.
  Recently, Corinth had been visited by Crown Prince Jason of Olympia. She may or may not have fallen in love with him was about to tell her mother, who loves buttimg into other people's love life, when she got the news that she was to marry Crown Prince of Sparta- Frank Zhang.
  After that she never told her mother about Jason.
  Frank wasn't a bad person. Honestly, he was the sweetest person ever but she didn't love him. She could tell he didn't either.
  She was confused in how Aphrodite didn't know considering she always seemed to know when someone was in love.
  "Piper! Piiiper! Earth to Piper!"
  Piper jumped and looked up at her mother. As annoying as she was, Aphrodite was a wonderful person in general. She was beautiful and she knew it. She styled her hair differently every day. Today it was a curly brown and held up in an updo. Her eyes seemed to change with her mood. Right now they were bright blue.
  Piper took mostly after her father with the tanned skin and brown hair. She had her mother's eyes, though. Instead, they seemed to never stop changing.
  "Oh good, you're alive. We can't have you die without getting married.
  "But I don't want to get married to Frank." Piper whined, annoyed with everything. "I want to get married to someone I want to marry. It's not fair!"
  Aphrodite looked at her third daughter sympathetically. "Oh, honey, I know. I had to get married to that ugly Hephaestus."
  "But you're divorced," Piper pointed out.
  "I know, dear. Thank the gods for that."
  "Wait, so that means I can get married, then divorce?" Piper didn't like the idea of hurting poor Frank but she'd rather not cheat on him.
   "Oh no, dear. That'll break the alliance. What's the point of getting married if you're just going to break the alliance?" Aphrodite laughed.
  Piper sighed. "But you divorced. You broke the alliance."
  "Well, yes, we found another way to have an alliance."
  Piper straightened. "That's it! Thanks mom." She got up and ran towards the palace, a plan already forming in her mind.
  "Glad I could help," her mom called after her then started to pick a few flowers, talking to herself.
  Piper was going to find find another way to make an alliance. She was going to get married to Jason, not Frank. No matter what it takes.


hey guys so i know i updated recently but oh whale 🐳
later, am

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