w h e a t

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Percy looked at the queen in front of him. She was pretty with blonde hair the color of wheat and brown eyes the color of sand. Queen Demeter of Eleusis stared right back at him with her beady little eyes. "So you're going to marry my daughter?" She asked testily.

Turns out, Percy was not going to marry Princess Annabeth. They were invited just to discuss alliances in terms of a treaty. They still hadn't replied.

He was going to marry Princess Katie. Katie was kind of pretty with her long brown hair and warm eyes. She definitely did not get her looks from her mother. Except for that stare. Both mother and daughter were staring him down and it was starting to creep him out.

"Um, yeah. That was what you decided, right?"

"Hmph. I don't like you. You're rude. I'm not so sure about letting my daughter marry you. Do you eat cereal?"

"Mom," Katie groaned.

"Uh, yes."

"How often?"


"Um, a lot."

"Much better. I like you now."

"Okay. Thanks?"

Poseidon cleared his throat. "Demeter, I don't think this is a good idea anymore."

"Why? What does my daughter have that does not suit your boy?" Demeter asked harshly.

"Nothing, nothing. Nevermind. How about you join us for dinner?"

Demeter scoffed and followed Poseidon and Amphitrite out of the room. Katie and Percy were alone.

Katie crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't want to marry you."

"Believe me, I get that a lot. I don't either."

"Why can't kingdoms have alliances in other ways? I mean, why do you have to marry off your children just for an alliance? Why can't you just..." Percy zoned out after that. Katie went on and on about alliances.

When the guard appeared and told them it was time for dinner Percy couldn't help but feel relieved.


hey guys, so sorry for not updating. i took an unplanned but much needed hiatus. thank you for the wonderful comments!! love you guys,

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