Chapter 2: Trouble

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Thanks to XxEchoedVoicexX for the Book cover! Heres another chapter as thanks! (Also cause im bored). Lets see what Spirit gets up too! Shall we?

< Spirit >

As we arrived in the territory, the leader of the pack, My father. Gave us a look that said "Im gonna kill you" but also "I was worried sick!". Its one of those looks only a worried father can give. His gaze was stoic.

I took a gulp and looked to Killer to see his face. He looked at me and we both knew what was coming.

"What the he-" He pauses for a moment and we both tilt our head as he cuts himself off, he starts his sentence again. "Where on earth were you?"

I heard the panic in his voice and I bowed my head in a submissive way, ashamed. I looked at killer slightly but he held our fathers glare bravely.

"Im vary disappointed in you two. Im almost so disappointed I might cancel the huge gathering for you becoming an "adult" Killer." He said adult as if it were a joke... wonder why...

"As for you Spirit-"

I heard killers brave stuttering voice as he cut father off. Don't do that! Your gonna make him further his anger! I thought to myself, staring at him as he started to speak. 

"D-don't be angry with Spirit father. I-its my fault, she only wanted to play tag but I led her away from the territory..." He stated, his puppy legs trembling, of course his statement was untrue but I knew I couldn't protest against his words. He always took the blame, even if he didn't have anything to do with it. It was only his way of protecting me.

There was a long pause. "Very well," He said it in a calm yet petrifying tone. "Spirit, Go to the den. Now, Before I change my mind."

I obeyed, bowing my head down, I glanced at killer as I started to walk inside the huge cave we called a "Den". I saw my best friend, Luna, and then I spotted her brother, Soul, starting to walk up to me. I could see his friends in the background cheering him on as if he was about to make his first kill.

Soul always had a crush on me, I knew this but I had no interest in romance at the time, I was only a cub...

What do you guys think? Next chapter will be quite short but the one after is where it gets good. What do you think souls about to say for his friends to be acting like that? A challenge? A confession? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Stay tuned!

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