Chapter 7: "What Even Are You?"

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< Spirit >

Gasping, I wake up to the udder silence of the night. I close my eyes, listening to the wind blow the branches as I try and calm my breaths.

"It was just a dream..." I whisper to myself. After awhile my breaths slow to a steady pace and I open my eyes. I sigh with relief before picking my body off the ground and standing.

The blood rushes to my head and the dizziness overwhelms me as a side effect. I squint my eyes and tumble a bit before it fades away. Once the pain has dulled I open my eyes once again and find my ears perking to something in the distance.

"Hello?" My voice seemly echoed as I spoke into the night. I heard no response. I listened again. Out of no where I hear a squeaky voice giggle. I pin one of my ears back in confusion.

"The bird cannot fly without a few falls." The voice spoke. It seemed to echoed around the forest.

At this point I'll be honest, I probably looked like a sloth with how confused I was. "What the hell are you talking about? Better yet, who the hell are you?"

"Tick tock, tick tock.." The voice echos. Ok seriously, I'm all for a bit of gibberish every now and then but what the hell?!

"The clock keeps ticking before it breaks. The clock never uses names."

What's that supposed to mean..? She... I mean it sounds like a she but it might be a he.... I'm just gonna call it a "It". Does it mean it wont tell me its name?

"Ok..? Can I at least know what the hell you are?" I got to admit. "It" was starting to freak me out a bit.

"The clock is offended with your language. Tehehe~"

"..." What. On. Earth...

I look around trying to find "It". But "It" was nowhere to be seen. I start wondering forward. watching the trees around me. The voice started speaking in enchantments. At this point I was ready to bite my paw just so I could see if I was dreaming.

I hear crackles of branches and I blink. When my eyes reopen I'm staring into a set of enticting eyes. One was a sapphire blue and the other was completely white but the longer I look into them the more I convinced myself the white eye was turning pink...

The pink eye looked a lot like my mothers eyes... I wonder how-

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