Chapter 8: Messages Imbedded In Lies

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Shout out to Jiinxycatt! Go and read her book "The Dawn of Tomorrow" and follow the life of Aniko! A white dragon with a tragic past!

. Spirit .

I wonder how she's doing...


"Mommy! Killers not sharing the rope he found!"

"I found it! Why should I share!? You wouldn't share the stick you found!"

"That's because there's sticks EVERYWHERE!"

"Now-now children. Killer, share with your sister-"

"-But mom!"

"That's enough killer. Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking to you. Otherwise I'll have to go get your father."

*GASP* "Nuh uh! You don't need to do that! Here sissy! Lets play tug a war!"

"Ok! Thanks Mommy!"

*Giggles* "Your welcome sweetie. Now go play."

*End of Flashback*

My eyes water and I takes a deep breath to calm myself down. Realizing there's still a set of eyes infront of me I tumble and end up hitting my head on a tree branch. "Owwww..." I groan to myself.

"Well that's what happens when you space out while I'm talking to you. Karma is a rude little bugger ain't she?" The creature yells in my face. Wait... It can speak?!

"Well of course I can speak you numbskull! I swear you really should socialize more instead of running away from everything and one."

Did I say that out loud?

"No you didn't. I can read your thoughts."

"WHAT?! You can read my thoughts! That's an invasion of privacy!"

"Standing on the earth is an invasion of life's privacy but you don't seem to care."

I open my mouth to speak but quickly close it, realizing I didn't have a comeback. Dammit..

"Now that your done being disrespectful. My names Lavender Vularix, I am the fox of fortune." I roll onto my feet and look at her.

She was quite a graceful creature now that I looked at her, she was a bit smaller then a coyote and had a more narrow snout. Her deep violet eyes glistened and her ears which seemed to big for her head flicked at the sounds around us. Her fur was lightly tinted a lavender color which faded into a bright white for her under fur. 

"Im-..." I start to introduce myself but she cuts me off.

"Spirit Abigail Dragon-Heart, First daughter of Fang Joseph Dragondale and Liliana Belle Heart. Rightful leader of Stars Rain pack and territory, that is if your brother Killer Aceton Dragon-Heart the first born child, had neglected the role." She says so bluntly as if anybody could tell. But they can't, everyone thinks I'm dead. I realize I need to cover up my suprise and I hesitantly reply. 

"Uhhh... Sorry but you have the wrong wolf. My names Stella, Stella Nagareon Iris..." I say as if I'm confused. 

"Don't lie to me! Such disrespect, I can't believe im the Gaurdian of such rude little... little.. gah!" She shouts in frustrastian, I remember she can read my thoughts and then realizing what she had just said my eyes widen.

"Guardian? But.... Guardians are just myths. They aren't real. They can't be."

"Of course they are real! Besides, even if a myth isn't completely true don't they all hold a bit of truth in them? Messages imbedded in lies." She says, and I was starting to realize just how wise this fortune teller was.

The legend of the guardians...

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