Romeo and Juliet

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Chat took Marinette to the Eiffel Tower and there was a table with spaghetti and meatballs, which was Marinette's favorite dish. She looked at him in awe before hugging him. He pulled her seat for his princess to sit and relax as he got the dish onto a plate for her. Marinette was so excited and started to eat. Chat looked her and started to laugh. "Are you that hungry" he asked, tears in his eyes from laughter. Marinette nodded with no shame as Chat spotted a red spot on her lip. "Princess.." he started before licking the sauce off her lip making Marinette blush, "there is sauce on your lip." Marinette was blushing uncontrollably as she started stuttering her words. "C-Couldn't y-you have t-told m-m-m-me?!" Chat was handing his face with his hand to hide the slight blush he had on and whispered to himself, "so cute." Chat pulled out a box with a diamond ring. He got on one knee and took her left hand. "We are young, but I would like you to hand this promise engagement ring. I know it may be to much but..." he stopped mid sentence to see a smiling and crying Marinette putting her hand out and kissing Chat. "Of course I'd say yes you silly kitty, no matter what age or time, I'll say yes." Chat smiles and then realized that Marinetted was holding something. "Wanted to give me something?" She nodded and sighed. "But it isn't as good as your gift" she said revealing a ladybug key chain of two hearts with 'I love you' on both. Chat squealed and looked at it as if it where a famous jewel and he was the first person to see it after it has been hidden after so many years from human eyes. "I LOVE IT!!!" he said squealing more. Marinette laughed and hugged him to calm him down.

Later that night Chat dropped Marinette home. They were talking about how he actually knew her in school and he is still shocked at how she is Ladybug. "Chat?" Marinette started as Chat replied with a 'hm'. "Would you ever tell me your true identity" she asked as Chat didn't move. He then picked her up bridal style before telling her, "of course my Lady" and kissing her before leaving. Adrien went home smiling and rolling on his bed like a fangirl thinking of the guy she had a crush on. The only difference was Adrien was dating his crush, and he was a guy. Plagg came out of hiding and quickly went up to Adrien. "ADRIEN AGRESTE!! WHERE IS MY CHEESE" Plagg said furious. Adrien gave the most confused look and handed him a piece of cheese. Plagg quickly snatched the cheese and ate it, explaining why he was upset. "OKAY SMOOTH GUY!! First off, you always transforming into Chat when he's totally not needed so you could do the dirty with Marinette. So I have decided, my payment for everytime you become Chat, will be a piece of cheese!" Adrien gave a '-_-' look before responding to Plagg. "But don't I always pay you with cheese even for no reason, so I should be able to turn into Chat even if I wanted to do the dirty with Marinette" he said blushing at the last part. The kwami stood there floating and scratched his head at Adrien's valid arguement.
Marinette went into her bed room to change into her pjs and decided to finish up a designer dress she has made. Thats when a swarm of akuma's came into her room. She screamed trying to call for help, but when her parents came to her room, all they could do was watch their daughter be carried away by the akuma army.

Adrien jumped out of bed and got in the shower. He ate breakfast and realized he had school in 1 hour. He went back to his room to get his phone and text Nino. He told his friend to be at the school in 15 minutes cause he wanted to 'chat' since they haven't had a full convo except on school dates. His friend texted back 'you got it dude' before Adrien headed out to meet his friend at school. Once he got there he saw Alya by herself, crying. He went up to Nino and asked his friend if he knew why Marinette wasn't there. Nino shrugged his shoulder so they decided to ask Alya themselves. "Hey Alya are you okay" Adrien asked. Alya shook her head. Nino looked around and then looked at Alya. "Now that I think about it, where's Marinette?" Once Alya heard Marinette's name she sobbed harder. Adrien was now terrified. Did something happen to his beloved!?! He had to find out. That's when Nino asked awkwardly "did you and Mari fight?" Alya shook head once more before taking her phone out to show last nights news.

Hello everyone, what's new on Paris is a girl by the name of Marinette Cheng has been captured by a swarm of black butterflies known as akumas captured her and taken her to an unknown destination, leaving a note in her room to Chat Noir. Chat if you could make it to the mayor's office by 2:30 to revive the note, please be there.

Adrien was looking shocked. He ran into the school and dropped his things before heading to the boys bathroom to become Chat. He ran out to the classroom and yelled in distress "WHERE'S MY PRINCESS!" Everyone got scared and Chloe came up to him with a small smile. "Princess? Is that your name for Marinette? I can't believe your so worried over her. She's just a useless girl. She's missing, so what? I mean really your way out of her league. How about you hook up with someone like me since we are..." was all Chloe said before Chat yelled at her. "SHUT UP YOU BRAT!" Everyone gasped as Chat continued. "MARINETTE IS THE SWEETEST GIRL EVER! SHE CARES FOR PEOPLE UNLIKE YOU!" Tears were forming in his eyes. "She worries about everyone, even you sometimes, but you don't care!" He was now crying before wiping away his tears and running out the class to the mayor.

Herro there :3 it's me, Rias. Anyways...hope your enjoying the story so far. The goal is again 5 likes because I'll keep it small for you guys ^-^.

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