Chat Blanc

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DISCLAIMER: Lots of pain, yup enjoy :3

Adrien and Marinette walked into school holding hands, which disgusted Chloe. Marinette knew that Chloe always got jealous of her relationship with Adrien, and though Marinette enjoyed her suffering, she felt bad because she knew how it felt before when the person you like doesn't give you the same love back. They walked into class and went to their friends but parted with a kiss. Marinette walked up to Alya as Rose rushed up to them and give them a red heart lollipop and gave everyone. That's when Marinette realized she skipped Chloe. Marinette looked at her lollipop as she walked up to Chloe. "Hey Chloe, I know you didn't get a lollipop, so I decided to give you my one." As Marinette was talking to Chloe, Adrien was watching her just in case Chloe tried to act smart, which she did. "HA why would ever take anything from a princess wannabe" she before snatching the lollipop out of Marinette's hand and crushing it under her foot. "You don't deserve anything Marinette, I do!!" Adrien walked up to Marinette's side before hugging her and giving Chloe a death glare and then looking to Marinette. "She is not a princess wannabe, she is my lady, and you Chloe, your a fake queen, who will soon be thrown down by her subjects" he said before kissing the heart lollipop and handing it to Marinette. She kissed it back and they both walked to their seats to sit next to each other.

Later that day, Adrien went over to Marinette's place to have some of her jelly donuts which were delicious. Thats when from the corner of his eyes, he spoted Chloe walk into the bakery. "Hello Chloe, welcome. What would you like today?" Chloe looked at Marinette before laughing like the witch she was. "Shut your trap you idiotic girl. Your brain is probably also filled with jelly from your donuts and bagels. Anyways just came to talk. Toddles jelly for brains" Chloe said. Marinette forced a smile but Adrien saw tears brimming from the edges of her eyes. "Mom, I'm going up to my room to rest, my head is hurting." Her mom nodded and Adrien got up. Food can wait, he needs to comfort Marinette. Before he could knock on her door though he heard her crying. "I'm so stupid, why does she always do this to me. I might as well just die." Right then and there Adrien was filled with such rage he wanted to destroy Chloe. Adrien turned into Chat Noir and was about to rush to out to teach Chloe a lesson when Hawk Moth's akuma went into the keychain Marinette had given him with both hearts, but the akuma went into one of the hearts. "Chat Blanc, I am Hawk Moth, that girl has hurt the one you truely love, so I have given you the power of luck, the same power of Ladybug, but I have one request. You have to bring me Ladybug's miraculous, and your own you complete your task." Chat gave a evil smirk and answered back to Hawk Moth, "anything for my princess" he said before his once black suit turned pure white. He walked out the bakery without being caught as he ran to the mayor's office. Marinette walked out to her balcony when she spotted a white suited version of Chat. "Oh no" she said before looking for Tikki. With no luck she quietly said "sorry" before getting ready to transform. "TIKKI SPOTS ON" Marinette said as Tikki got sucked into her earrings.

Ladybug went to Chat before he spotted her. "Well hello Ladybug, isn't a nice day today?" Ladybug nodded before looking at his suit. "Chat what happened, your suit is...different!" Chat flipped his golden locks back as he pulled her closer. "Do you like it, we are both lucky now" he said holding her around her waist closely to his body as he admired her miraculous. "Ladybug would you give me your miraculous?" Ladybug now knew what happened to Chat. "Your not by any chance taking these to Hawk Moth, are you my love" she said sweetly seeing a blush appear on his face before the keychain in his pocket glowed, sending him back into his regular state. "Seems you have caught me, well I'd like those earrings Marinette." Ladybug stood there, though no one was around, she worried. "Chat stop" she said before he came closer to her, now holding her chin and looked her in the eyes. Ladybug was scared and and worried for Chat. "What happened to you Chat Noir?" Chat chuckled and looked her in her eyes, his once vibrant green eyes, now full of revenge and hate, told her, "I am no longer Chat Noir, I am Chat Blanc." With that he kissed Ladybug, taking her miraculous in the process and jumped onto a building as Tikki came out just in time, before Chat saw her. "Thank you for the gift love, I'm doing this to keep you safe" he said before jumping away to what seemed as Hawk Moth's lare. "Marinette are you alright" Tikki asked worried. Marinette fell to her knees as she just realized what happened and got back up. "Tikki I'm fine" she said before putting her kwami into her bag. "It's time to follow the white kitty."


Don't worry
I know my update was slow but it was because I was having trouble making the chapter because my acid reflux acted up

Vote goal is 10
Because the next chapter

Well let's say it's one you'll love😜

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