Chapter 5; An Eloquent Posture For Someone So Obviously Stupid

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Brendon sighs and pops his back, he had slept in a bad position the night before. He was a bit more happier today as well because next to the bed was a journal, a pen and a few pencils. Mr. Shapiro had made an exception to the rules, because he had seen how torn Brendon was with the new rules after he had been beaten the day before. The boy wasn't torn, he was just really intrigued by the man who was jogging outside.

Picking up the journal and the pencil, Brendon tried to recreate the images he had scene outside. He had never really wanted to draw before, even when Mr.Shapiro had encouraged it a lot when he was younger. Now when he scribbled what he recognized as trees and doodled what he knew were clouds everything felt right. The drawing wasn't an exact replica, but it was enough to make Brendon determined to see what was outside again.

Brendon swung his legs down off the bed to see the chains that had been reattached to his ankles, tighter this time. After the last time when Brendon managed to get them off, his caretaker was not to happy to find him free when he arrived back at the house. Brendon tugged at his tether, trying to see if he could get it loose from the wall. No luck.

The window in the bedroom was now heavily boarded, not just with plywood. Mr. S had gone to the extreme and covered the large window with a sheet of metal and bolted it to the wall. The thought of never being able to see outside these boring walls sent shivers down Brendon's spine, sending him running back underneath the covers if the bed. The little amount of clothing on his body provided no warmth.

Helpless and scared, Brendon pulled the blankets up over his head like a child hiding from the monsters. There was nothing he could do about the cruelty of his caretaker and it left him feeling like a helpless child that needed the blankets at night. Soon enough the older man would be home and Brendon wouldn't be safe at all. Who knew what would be in store for him?

"Get up you lazy bitch!" Mr. S yelled, startling the younger boy out of his dreams of the outdoors.

Brendon scrambled to stand up just to get slapped back down. The older stood over him, grabbing him by the hair and punching him hard in the face.

"Do you not pay attention to anything I said?" The man yelled as the boy scrambled around to avoid the grasp of the man.

"I told you I wanted you underwear off and you on your hands and knees." The angry man tore away Brendon's underwear and shoved the boy further on to the bed. The younger could feel the older's hot breath trickle down his back. He was terrified of what was coming.

Tears escaped the boy as he prepared for the older man to slam into him taking no precautionary measures. He could hear the older messing with his belt and he could feel the mattress shift as his caretaker positioned himself so he was lined up with Brendon.

"You deserve this." Mr. Shapiro whispered in Brendon's ear right before thrusting into Brendon.

The boy whimpered, collapsing onto the bed before being yanked back up by the hair. Mr. S slammed into the squirming boy repeatedly, as the younger scrambled desperately tried to scramble away. The man held tight, ripping out strands of Brendon's hair making him cry out in pain.

The man continued to thrust into the younger before pulling out and plunging back in again. Brendon was horrified and in pain, thinking that Mr. Shapiro wouldn't stop hurting him like this. But of course, it didn't, he continued until he filled the boy with the liquidy white substances and putting in a plug to hold the liquid in. Satisfied with what he had done, Mr. Shapiro redid his pants and belt before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
Brendon let out a soft whimper of pain before collapsing on to his stomach. The boy passed out, dreaming of sunshine and meadows, with a demon always there to bring storm clouds.

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