Chapter 8; Cluster Hug

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Days Earlier...

"I don't get it."

Dallon looks up from his laptop to look at Duckie. "What?" He asks his mouth full of ramen noodles.

"I don't get it, that house, I have always seen a car there, yet I've never seen the person who has lived there and a I've never seen a kid there either." Duckie exclaims pacing around the small meeting room in the adult section of the library, which in just under ten minutes, they've successfully turned into a makeshift workboard like the one they had in the precinct.

"So is my prediction correct?" Dallon asks now finally finished with the noodles he had in his mouth. Duckie chuckles and rolls his eyes, "I wasn't doubting your theory for a second, s'just that we need evidence so we can back ourselves up and get a warrant."

The older sighs and sits back, "How're we supposed to get evidence without attracting attention from the supposed people who live there?" He questions and stands up looking at the photos pinned to the workboard with magnets. He looks at the photo of a younger Brendon and his family. They had taken a picture in the fall leaves, the photo itself was very small because it was taken with a polaroid camera the quality was still great for Dallon could still make out their faces and their emotions.

They were smiling. Funny how things could change so quickly. He averted his eyes to newspaper clip next to it;


He grabs the police files from the long conference table and grabs the alleged houses they broke into, and they were all close to Halprin Creek. One of the houses was even right even next to the suspect's house.

Strange. That's only about a street away where Brendon's parents were killed in the hit and run. What if the hit and run was on purpose?

"Duckie," Dallon says as he pulls the newspaper clipping out of the metal clasps, "What if our kidnapper was the same person who killed the boy's family?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Wouldn't you do anything to keep anyone from finding out that you did something like this?" Dallon asks and looks at his friend. "Yeah, I would."

"We can ask someone back at the precinct if they could see who owns that house and see if those people have a record," Duckie continued, the taller nods and looks back to the board, "We have to get that warrant, Duckie." He replies his friend nods and pulls out his phone putting it up to his ear, "Hey Spence, can you do me a favour, like a really big favour?"

There's silence, "Yes, there is money involved for you,"

"Yes, and I will also get you a date with Andie. Okay, um- find out who lives at 418 Halprin Creek."

Duckie takes the phone from his ear and puts it on speaker for Dallon to hear. "Okay, so currently a man named Robert S. Harrison who lives there, and he seems like he is the only one who lives there." The man named Spencer, said.

"Does he have anything bad going against him?" Dallon asks with a shaky voice for he still had problems with his anxiety.

"No, not that I can see from here." Spencer replies "Although," he continues "His two sons did, they were involved in gang violence and then they were kidnapped and killed by a rival gang."

Maybe he kidnapped Brendon because he lost his son's? Dallon asks himself.

"We got a picture of him?" Duckie asks and pulls out a few chips from the bag on the conference table, shoving the salty things in his mouth.

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