Chapter 6; If You Don't Let It Out You're Gonna Let It Eat You Away

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Ryan and Dallon followed Duckie back to the office, with Ryan complaining that they shouldn't do this the entire time. Dallon didn't really listen, he just turned the radio up louder and focused on where he was going. There was another reason he wanted to go to the police department at seven o'clock on Friday night.

The thoughts of the boy from the odd house intrigued him. Every time he had gone by that house the windows had always been boarded up and there was never a car in the driveway. It might have just been a kid messing with an abandon house, or maybe someone lived there, it was just that they worked crazy hours at their job.

Dallon figured he could look through some of the records for anything involving that house just in case, he just had to make sure he could slip into the chiefs office without getting caught by Duckie or Ryan. It's not like he wasn't allowed to look through the files, especially if it involved suspicious activity.

When they arrived at the station Duckie was already waiting for them, leaning against his car. By the time the two got out of the car, the other was already heading to unlock the door. Ryan and Dallon caught up just as Duckie was unlocking the door.

"Duckie, are we even allowed to be in here?" Ryan asked cautiously, keeping his voice low.

"Relax Ryro, if they go back over the security footage, which they rarely do, I'll just say I wanted another opinion on the case." Duckie walked around casually, as if it were just another day and we weren't going to be looking at evidence of a murder.

The trio walked in silence towards the room where the evidence was kept. The room smelled oddly of old furniture and blood. It was the kind of smell that signalled danger and that you should run for your life.

    Duckie walked over to a table with pictures and objects scattered about. There were objects from kitchen knives to candlesticks, many of which were splattered with blood.

"The last victim was a 14 year old girl." Duckie picked up a photo of a young girl with platinum blonde hair that was purple on the ends. "She was murdered the most violently. The woman's arms were cut up with what looked like a butcher knife, and there remains of the bodies were put in plastic containers. Containers you would use to store leftover food in.  And their heads, dear lord, their heads, they were in the fridge." Duckie continued.

Dallon's stomach was in turn. 

" The weirdest part of these murders is that we can tell exactly how these murders were done, we just don't know who the killer is or how they are choosing their victims." Duckie put the picture of the girl back down into the stack of three other victims.

"How old were the other victims?" Dallon asked, examining the pictures of the other victims.

"Um a 42 year old and a 63 year old, all female." Duckie mindlessly stared at random objects.

"All multiples of seven." Dallon mumbled under his breath staring at the photos of each of the smiling girls.

"Wait what did you say?" Duckie's head snapped up from looking at the blood splattered pillow.

"All the ages they are multiples of seven, seven times two is fourteen, forty-two is six times seven and nine times seven is sixty-three." Dallon observed, still flipping through the pictures.

"That's odd, no one on my team had even thought of that, or at least if they had they hadn't said it." Duckie gave a light laugh, taking the pictures from Dallon's hands.

With Ryan hiding in the corner as far away from the objects that could've been used to kill people as possible, and Duckie into examining all the stuff he may have overlooked, now was the perfect time for Dallon to slip away.

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