one- cute

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"ooh, he's cute," mariah whispered to her best friend, nodding her head in the direction of a group of boys. she was singling out one in particular. his name was namjoon and he had the grace of a baby deer.

"which one?" daria peered up from her psychology book, checking out the group of boys. hell, they were all cute in her opinion.

"namjoon—the tall blonde-haired one."

"nice, let's go talk to them!" daria exclaimed. mariah looked at her friend with narrowed eyes.

"are you serious? have you even had a class with them?" daria shook her head no, but she didn't care. they were cute, she was cute, what was was the problem exactly?

mariah grabbed her best friend's arm, accidentally digging her acrylic nails into her skin. she pulled her hand away with a sorry look after seeing her best friend wince.

"well, you see, they are painfully shy and very awkward. well, at least four of the seven are." mariah tilted her head, tapping her salmon colored nails on her light brown skin.

daria just put her hair up in a ponytail and shrugged. she looked down at her outfit which consisted of her white and black Nike bomber jacket, a white and blue striped crop top and black skinny jeans that contrasted well with her mocha colored skin. to top it off she wore her favorite white Nike sneakers.

when she deemed herself presentable, she started walking over to the group, leaving her best friend staring at her in shock.

the boys were talking happily, until one of them noticed that she was walking closer and blushed a vivid pink. his friends must've noticed that someone was coming because they all turned just as soon as daria walked closer.

"hey," she smiled showing her white teeth, looking all of them in the eye. "you guys are pretty cute."


hi let's play of game of: guess the main female character!

well, you'll be able to tell in the upcoming chapters anyways :-)

i hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

feedback is appreciated :-))

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