Chapter 13 Yes or No

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Four years after Ethan's accident
Ethan's POV
Last four years of recovery have been brutal but Nicole has been by my side the entire time and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. So I have decided to take her on a special date tonight to show her how much she means to me .
So I just made reservations at her favorite restaurant Carrabba's at 6 pm. Then I have something very important to ask her I'm hoping she will say yes. So now I am going to call her and tell her I have a special date planned for tonight and she needs to be ready by six o'clock. I call Nicole and tell her and she says ok and we exchange I love you's to each other and then end the call. So I go take a shower and then get dressed in a white button downed shirt and some jeans and white vans.
Nicole's POV
I've been sitting on my bed room floor for about 45 minutes and

trying to find a outfit to wear for my date with Ethan tonight I give up after 20 more minutes and put on a simple blush pink knee length dress and some nude kitten heels and pearl earrings and grab a nude clutch. Then I hear the doorbell ring and head down stairs and greet Ethan at the door with a hello then a hug and kiss then we get in Ethan's car and head towards our date Ethan has planned and won't tell me about no matter how much I devour him with kisses and tell him I love him. After about 26 minutes we arrive at our Suprise date and I'm overcome with joy Ethan has taken me to my most favorite restaurant on earth Carrabba's. I say to Ethan " baby I love you so much thank you." Your welcome baby anything for my girl." So Ethan takes my hand and leads me in and tells the waiter  he has a reservation under the name Dolan for two so the waiter leads us to a private area and seats us at a table and hands us each a menu. " baby order what ever you want I don't care how much it cost I just want to treat you like the queen you are." Aww babe that is the most romantic thing anyone has ever told me I love you so much." I say. Soon the waiter comes to take our order I get Chicken Alfredo with a glass of white wine  while Ethan gets spaghetti and meatballs with a glass of red wine. The waiter leaves after taking our order and then Ethan says " Nicole I have something important to ask you  Nicole Stephanie Fedor I love you to the moon and back and I can't imagine my life without you so will you do the honor and become my wife." Ethan's says with love in his eyes ." Oh a thousand times yes Ethan's I love you so much I can't wait to be your wife." I say " thank god I don't know what I would do if you said no ". Then he puts the ring on my finger then we kiss passionately then the waiter comes with our food and drinks. While we eat we discuss plans for the wedding and decide on a small beach wedding on June 22 , 2016.

3 months later Wedding Day 
Ethan's POV
I can't believe today is the day I marry the love of my life I'm so excited. Soon it's time for me to go marry Nicole and I can't control my happiness. As I walk down the aisle towards the minister I'm greeted by the happy faces of me and Nicole's family and friends. Next my brother Grayson and Nicole's bestfriend Payton walk together down the aisle as best man and maid of honor. Then the wedding march begins and everyone stands to greet Nicole and once I see her I feel tears form in my eyes she's absolutely beautiful . Once she reaches me I take her hand in mine and the minister begins the vows.
Nicole's POV
Omg I can't believe the days here me and Ethan finally become husband and wife. I'm wearing a strapless Vera Wang gown with a long flowy veil. Then I hear the wedding march begin and as I walk down the aisle I see the happy faces of me and Ethan's friends and family then I reach Ethan and take his hand in mine and the minister begins the vows.
" Do you Ethan Grayson take Nicole Stephanie Fedor as your wife". I do Ethan says then he slides my wedding band on my finger. " and do you Nicole Stephanie Fedor take Ethan Dolan as your husband ." I do. I say and put Ethan's ring on his finger. Then the minister says Ethan you may now kiss the bride and we kiss passionately and the minister pronounces us husband and wife.

The End


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