Our Arrival

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disclaimer: I own nothing! The AU belongs to Tybay and gravity belongs to Alex. Hope you N'joy

Mabel POV.

We had been living with our parents. Great life and then POOF all was gone. It was May 3, 1921 when our parents got shot by some mob. They had gone out to a walk in Piedmont, California where we lived. They died and the police didn't find the identity of the murderer. Of course, that was a week ago and my heart was healing slowly.

Dipper. My younger brother. By five minutes but still my baby bro. Since mom and dad died he has been my comfort. We were on our way to go to Gravity Falls with our great uncle stan, someone we had never seen before in our life. He was a family member that our parents trusted the most.

"Hey Mabel, what do you think great uncle Stan is like." Dipper asked

" I guess , he must be a nice guy for taking us in and for having the trust of our parents." I answered sadly

"C'mon Mable, you are never this grim. I know it's hard to move in with a stranger, especially since our parents death, but you have to trust me. Everything will be fine"

"Dipper, I trust you. It's just that...(*sigh*) I- I can't belive that our parents are dead and that we are going to oregon to live with some great uncle. I-" I started sobbing softly, hiding myself in my plain pink sweater.

"Mabel" dipper started softly as he tried to get my face out of my sweater "I can't belive that myself either, but this is our new reality and I know it's hard. But together we will survive the obstacles. Especially if we have each other, that's what matters. When we arrive to Gravity Falls we will grab something colorful and filled with sprinkles to eat, alright! That might cheer you up! Everything will be fine "

"Dipper, you are one amazing brother. The best even. I love you and I don't know what I would do without you."

" I love you too Mabel Awkward sibling hug"

"Awkward sibling hug"

Just as were hugging, we both simultaneously said " pat, pat"


I had fallen into deep slumber by the time we arrived to Gravity Falls.

"Mabel, wake up if you want to still go get an Ice cream sundae covered in sprinkles"

" Ice cream...(*yawn*) sundae sounds good"

"Okay, but we better hurry it is getting late and I don't want to arrive at our great uncle's while he is already asleep"

We went to grab an Ice cream Sundae at some place called Greasy's Diner.

The lady that attended us was so nice yet so...off. One of her eyes was permanently shut and no one seemed to question it. Everyone there seemed to have to have this off feeling. It gave me the heebee jeebees.

"Well what are you too kids doing out here so late" the nice lady asked

"We are wanted too get a treat before we went with our relative. Say do you know where we can find the Mystery Shack, we are moving in with our great uncle, he owns the Mystery shack. We are kind of lost" Dipper answered

"Oh well. HEY EVERYONE WE HAVE NEW PEOPLE IN TOWN"the lady yelled throughout the diner as everyone clapped and cheered "Welcome to Gravity falls, I am Susan Simons but every one here just calls me Lazy Susan. The Mystery Shack is on 618 Gopher rd"

"Well thank you...Lazy Susan, My name is Mabel and that is my brother Dipper. Pleased to meet you ALL!" I answered with a sudden glee. I have a feeling this place isn't as bad as I had initially thought.

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