The Plan(Part II)

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Chapter 6

Disclaimer: you all know by now I literally own nothing. Not the AU, gravity falls,Annabelle or Alice in wonderland.

kinda short chapter but I hope you N'joy :D

Gideon POV.

I thought that Bill was outta my life when I saw on the news paper that his body had been found. But then I started having weird dreams. They looked like scenes from Alice in wonderland. I was Alice and everything seemed nice, even if nothing made sense. Then Bill came arriving like the mad hatter, happy and ready to have some tea with me. Or in this case a Chocolate fudge sundae.

I screamed with terror"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH"

"Why are you screaming that is not the bratty kid I know"

"W-why are ya in my dreams. You are dead, DEAD I tell you. I even went to your funeral"

His funeral was more empty than the desert. No one was there. No relatives, freinds, not even his homies were there. It seemed like one of those funerals where the dead pearson was some stranger from out of town.

" Yeah but that doesn't mean I was ready to leave you. You are just to much fun, Gideon. Fudge sundae? It's a gift!" He asked as he made appear a chocolate fudge sundae.

"W-well that doesn't mean you can be in my dreams. Leave Cipha' LEAVE"

"Well how rude of you to not accept a gift. And no I won't leave. I will never leave not until you find a way to get rid of me. AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA"

I woke up with a start . No this can't be real, it just can't be!

Those strange dreams became nightmares and every night they were present.

Things got worse when I started receiving notes, PHYSICAL NOTES from him with eyes and triangles drawn on them.

In my nightmares he started appearing as a fancy dressed triangle with one eye. I couldn't take it any more I was going insane and I thought for a scary moment that I was better off dead and that my best option was suicide.

The only thing keeping me going was my singing angel, Mabel.

That was until Tambry, the gypsy girl came looking for me.

" I know what is happening to you" She whispered to me when I was walking near her gris gris club.

"How on Earth would you know" I hissed at her.

"Trust me I can help, just in return give my family one more month to repay our debt to you"

"If you can help me find a way to get rid of my problem than your family will get one more month, heck even two! Just help me, I am desperate."

"It's a deal come tonight and I will show you"

When I was at her place, she told me that all I needed was to summon my ghost and offer him a human sacrifice. She told me that my best option was my true love's most precious thing in the world.

I would have to kill my singing angel's brother. I was desperate but desperate enough to sacrafice Dipper Pines? He hasn't done anything to make me want kill him, I barely know him. By chance I know their names but that is it.

That is when Bill's words came in Gideon, you don't need money or reputation to be known as the worst gangster in life. You only need to know how to make terror, chaos, and pure insanity on people.Have them tremble in fear, praying to never encounter you. This is something that you have never and will never do to people when they hear your name.

If I want to be known as someone worse than Bill, then I would have to cause a little chaos. Why not on the new residents in town.

I could use his death as a way to get close to Mabel as well. I could Comfort her and then get her to love me!

Sorry deary but I think I might just have to kill your brother but it will be for our own good. This is perfect!


I waited Outside of the Mystery shack and listened my lovely Mabel sing. Then I heard Dipper's act and many "BOOS" were heard. Might be making the kid a favor by having him sacrificed. He is a total deception compared to his sister.

The show was soon over and it seemed that once again my peach dumpling was a hit, though no one dared to whistle at her like I did that night. That just proves me that I am more brave than any of those Ol' drunk guys.

Soon the shack was empty and I hid my self behind the alley. I saw an old baseball bat lying there. I grabbed it, ready to use it.

Dipper came out of the shack covered in tomatoes. No surprise there. His act was a disaster. He was taking out some trash bags and I had to hid myself since the trash can was next to me.

When he was heading back inside the shack, I followed him. He must have felt me because he asked the foggy darkness "who is there "

Just as the silence answered him, I swang my bat and hit him right on the head. Not hard nough' to kill him, but nough' to knock him out.

I hovered over him and I saw his eyes trying to stay open. I couldn't help but admire and say "My human sacrifice"

Sorry for that cliff hanger (again) but it was necassary. 

Hope you enjoyed the story and I'll see you next Time :D


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