The plan(Part 1)

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Chapter 5

Disclaimer: story was inspired by Tybay's AU and sadly I am not owner of gravity falls

Dipper POV.

After our first night , I was sure grunkle stan would always have us do at least three acts and charge extra for everything. Honestly I would think of it as a good idea if someone hadn't wolf whistled Mabel. It had already been a week since then and it hasn't occurred again. That doesn't mean it can't happen once more.

She still thinks that the wolf whistle wasn't directed at her. Though I know better and I'm pretty sure they weren't admiring my girly scream towards a spider. That was humilating, espescially with Wendy watching.

My, I wouldn't dare to admit it to Mabel, but I had a dream where Wendy and I well... let's not get into detail. Really it sounds like one of Mabel's love fantasies.

Mabel. Thanks to her natural artistic talents, our terrible act would've been a failure. Mabel could do an act on her own. Which worried me.

Which brings me back to her getting wolf whistled. She knows she could get an act of her own and that is what she wants. To make matters worse, is the fact that after someone whistled at her like that , everyone started fighting. This only means that those other drunken guys were thinking the same thing as that guy who whistled.

As I thought all these things in our room, I couldn't help but wonder if that Gideon guy has shown up in these past days. Right after that night I have been to busy keeping an eye on Mabel. I was so concentrated on her that I didn't even notice when they found Bill cipher "biggest and baddest gangster of all time" dead in an alley. I only found out because Wendy and Soos were both happy that someone had done justice in this town.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by loud foot steps rushing up stairs.

"Dipper guess what!" Mabel asked excitedly as she rushed in to the room

"Mabel did you try to get Stan to tell you his favorite color again?"

" Nope" she said as she popped out the ' p' "Stan said that I could have the begging act and the ending act to myself! Isn't that amazing!"

"Mabel, some perv whistled at you when we were together on stage and you want two acts on your own?"

" Oh you don't have to be jealous. Grunkle stan said he will give you an act as well. You could do the lamby dance!"

" Mabel I would rather scream again like a girl than doing the lamby dance, but that is not the point"

"Dipper you worry to much."

" I am being careful. Besides it could be dangerous"

"Nonsense I'll be fine Dip dop, besides you know it's my dream to go sing and dance on stage.I can defend myself, do you not trust me .

"Of course I trust you mabel. But... fine you win. Just so you know, if someone gets to get near you I will hit them with a bottle"

" okay Dipper . oh how exciting tonight will be"

XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI'M WATCHING YOU NERDSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bill Cipher POV

Seven days. It's been Seven days since I "died" . I don't have a physical form yet but that will soon change .

I have dedicated my self to haunting Gideon like I never did to anybody else in the past. Everything that had the resemblance of an eye or a triangle, I am there. Easily I leave notes telling Gideon that I was still around.

Lil' Giedion

It seems that even death can't keep me away from you.

-Bill cipher

or like


Did you miss me cause I do

-dearly yours Bill

The best of all, is that I can go into his dreams and torture him there as well. It was almost the perfect revenge.

Almost. He costed me all the work I had done. Three full years of living among normal meatbags.

I need him to feel a little physical pain. To understand what it feels to lose everything that you worked for and that thanks to some kid you lose it all. For that purpose I need a physical form.

I started my plan by going inside some gypsy girl's dream and hypnotized her to convince Gideon to summon me and to have a human sacrifice that was the most important thing that his true love has. That would be the only way to get rid of me.

I know it was Gideon who whistled to that girl, Mabel, when she was on stage with her brother. I went to her mindscape and I know the perfect "sacrifice".

Dipper Pines. Young, naive, but ready to obtain knowledge of everything in the world. Curious child. Just like his great uncle was. He will be easy to transform. My new puppet to control.


Dipper POV.

Mabel was a success as always and I felt the crowds love towards my act through rotten tomatoes.

I admit I don't have good artistic talents but it was harsh.

Mabel was allowed to go to bed early since she brought in many customers, while I had to stay and clean the rotten tomatoes my act made.

"Your act made the whole mess, you clean it up. And don't forget to take out the trash and lock the doors. I am going to sleep, goodnight kiddo" said grunkle stan

"Goodnight grunkle stan" I answered while sighing.

Why do I have to do al lthe heavy chores?

Oh well the sooner I take the trash out and lock the doors the sooner I will get to bed.

As I came back from taking the trash out I felt like someone was watching me.

"Who is there" I asked the foggy darkness

No answer .

I shrugged my shoulders and kept waking until I felt a sharp pain on my head. The world became dizzy as I fell to the ground while hearing someone saying in a Texan accent "My human sacrifice"

cliffhangers... I just love them so much . Any ways I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and I will soon update again. Till next time! Have a cookie and a doughnut. (::) (o) 


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