Their First Night.

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Mabel POV.

Chapter 4.

Sorry for not updating sooner, but I have had trouble with my computer. Any ways I have this story on and it has 9 chapters already if you guys want to check that out while i finish up loading the rest of the story here.

Disclaimer: Tybay owns the AU and if I owned Gravity falls we would have a 3rd season or a movie.


Last time I was this nervous to sing, I was in first grade on our first musical. If that Gideon guy shows up things could take a turn for the worst. I honestly hadn't thought of the possibility of our parent's killers to be here in this town. Much less the idea of them trying to harm us a well. This town was dangerous just fron what Wendy and Soos have tos us.
The entire day was overwhelming with stress and fear. I knew Dipped was worried as well and more so with us being the opening and closing act for entertainment tonight. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that I was right, the mystery shack is a bar during the night with illegal activities.
Everything was ready and Dipper and I would have the opening and closing act.

Stan was wearing his usual suit and fake eye patch. Wendy was in a dress though it was obvious that she didn't like it. Soos was ready to attend the bar and the drunken.

"Are you excited for tonight?" I asked Dipper when he was getting ready in our room.

"Mabel how do you want me to be excited if the song you choose is ridiculous!" He answered with annoyance.

"It's not ridiculous. It's just fun. Besides, you'll be able to show off your talents so Wendy can admire you more! Wink wink, nudge, nudge, hint, hint,"  

"HEY" Stan hollard from downstairs "You guys will be up in 5 minutes"

"Coming" Dipper responded" Just so you know I don't like Wendy like you think Mabel. I just admire her okay. Now let's get done with this torture. "

"Oh Dipper, you and I sound fantastic singing this song together, it's not a torture"

Soon we were on stage. their wasn't much of an audience out there. Just the old drunks and gamblers.


We began our act. We were so quiet, that I couldn't hear myself and everyone was falling asleep. We were terrible.

That was until I heard Dipper give his High pitch scream as he saw a spider crawling by. Everyone was laughing at him, even Wendy. I decided to take this as our chance to shine. I sang louder and danced with more the end of our act Everybody was laughing, clapping in joy.

Just as we were heading to our room, a wolf whistle came from the crowd and everyone started fighting with everyone. Dipper rushed me to our room and closed the door without letting me see who had started the brawl.


Gideon POV.

It was like any other night on the Mystery shack. People getting drunk and betting on the baseball game that night. Those Ignorant people don't know how to live.

Some boring act was on stage like always. The girl, Mabel, she was beautiful, but you couldn't hear what she was singing. The act kept goin' just as boring when the Whimpy looking kid, Dipper, screamed like lil' girl for no seaming reason. There Mabel began dancing on the stage and sang louder. I heard her marvelous voice and I knew it was love at first sight! She was my soul mate!

When their act was over, everyone cheering and clapped for them. I wolf whistled her and everyone started throwing punches at everyone. No one dared to hit me, great part of being so small and cute lookin'. No one will ever blame you for anything. Plus, I am one of the biggest gangster around here.

That was when I saw him. That scrawny, tall, gold boy freak was there. I honestly don't know how he became such a feared gangster. Not that I fear him it's just weird. He came and everyone was afraid of him.

"If you don't shut your yaps and calm down in the next few second I swear I will charge Double each bet and drink. If you wanna fight then go outside."was what he ordered.

Course that was enough for every one else. Bill right away stepped outside.

That was a prime time for my operation. Surely, that angel will continue singing. I need to let her know who the real king of gangs was round' here. That means I have to get rid of Ol' Bill, and for good.

We followed him until we got to the other side of town. There he stopped.

"Well, well, Gideon what are you doing here" Bill snarled

"Oh cipha' can't a lil' good kid like me go out for a walk." I responded innocently.

" In that I agree on. you are one good little kid that needs his daddy to give you everything even a gang. Tell me how much money do your 'homies' get paid to be by your side"

"umm...umm sure my pop' may have givin' me my gang but these guys LOVE me. Right guys?"


"Besides Bill how did YOU become a gangster to my height without having big money or history like me and my pop'? You just came in to town and declared yourself a gangster."

"cause Gideon, you don't need money or reputation to be known as the worst gangster in life. You only need to know how to make terror, chaos, and pure insanity on people. Have them tremble in fear, praying to never  encounter you. This is something that you have never and will never do to people when they hear your name. And that is life. I know EVERYTHING Gideon and EVERYTHING will belong to me, even your little ass."

I growled at him, My vision went red of anger. No one, I repeat NO ONE was better than me and much less does anyone, ANYONE threaten me like he had just done. Enough was enough and Bill had to pay. I slowly approached him like a lion stalking it's prey.

"Bill, ever wondered if their is life after death"

"why, Gideon are wanting an early death wish? Did the future scare you "

"No because your plans won't become real!"

There I took out the new gun that my daddy had been working on and shot him multiple times. The police sirens went off and my boys and I had to run. Even his buddies ran. I just hope Bill is really dead cause if he isn't I may have just sentenced myself to death.


Bill POV.

That mother F****er! He tried to kill me and what's worse,my boys left me there like some old voodoo doll. Voodoo...always a dark form of magic, but quiet useful. I got out the familiar toy that always carried in my coat, a yellow rag doll in the shape of an isosceles triangle with one eye, black bow tie and top hat. I did the voodoo spell I had done multiple times in the past with other people's meat bags and soon enough I felt my energy leave and everything went black.

well that escalated fast. I admit I used the voodoo doll idea from chucky. Also to those you can't listen to curse words I'm sorry for that. I'm willing to take any suggestions if you want to add some thing in the story just pm me or write a review. Thank you for all your support, and I hope you liked it. Till next time! :D R&R


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