Our First Day

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Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing! This au is from Tybay and gravity falls is from an evil man (ALEX HIRSCH) hope you enjoy


Dipper POV.

It was hard telling Mabel lies. How was everything going to be fine. Gravity Falls was a town with mobsters and gangsters, just like the ones that killed our parents. The idea that the same gang that ruined our lives could be within the city limits kept my curiosity growing. What if we were to encounter them, what if they try to hurt us, what if I tries to avenge my family....
What ifs was all I could think of until I heard Mabel snore. I had to protect her from all of that. If she got hurt by one of those terrible devil spawns...I'd never forgive myself.


The next morning, Mabel was up and about coming up with act after act for tonight's show. One of these days she'll just make some crazy musical.

" Hey Dipper, should we do that musical we did in first grade." Mable said

" Maybe, but we would need some costume for it though, do you-"

DING. The door had been opened and there she came. A beautiful red head with lovely creamy skin walked in. She was wearing an aviator jacket, Levy jeans and boots. You could slightly see her flannel shirt hanging from her jacket. She was a wild one, I could already tell that much from her. I can almost hear my mother gasp in shock of seeing a young lady dresses like a lumber jack. A shame to our moralistic society as grand mama would gossip with her friends.

"Woah who are you two kiddos?" she asked

"Well I am Mabel and this is Dipper , we are stan's niece and nephew" Mable answered

"Oh well, I'm Wendy Corduroy. I work as a cash register during the day and as a waitress when the fun begins, if you know what I mean. Good to meet you kiddos"

"P-pleased to meet you" I stutterd befumbled by her beauty

"WENDY" bellowed grunkle stan" have you seen Soos yet?"

"No not yet, but I am sure he is on his way, he has never missed a day of work"

"Well then, what are you doing standing there the shack isn't gonna get open to tourists by itself, much less get ready for tonight! There's baseball tonight and the gamblers will flow in. You two!"grunkle stan pointed at us "help her out."

DING. "Mr. pines I'm here ready for duty" rushed in a baby looking man

"Great you're here now! Get to work with Wendy and the twins before I take off from your pay"

"Right away Mr. pines" said the baby looking man" Now who are you two kids?"

"I'm Dipper and that's my sister Mabel" I answered

"Hey is grukle Stan always that mean to you?" Mabel asked

"No he is just the world's nicest boss" Wendy answered sarcastically

"Wendy, he is not that bad. Oh by the way The name is Soos the handy man of the shack and during heavy nights I assist Wendy as bar tender.

"So why are you guys here" Wendy asked

"Our parents got killed by a gang back in California and stan is our only other family that we have." Mabel answered grimly

"Hey I know how it feels, my mom was killed by a gang as well. Now it's just me and my family" Wendy said in attempt to comfort Mabel.

" I used to be a boxer, a GOOD boxer. The Mystery Shack would fill up with people ready to bet and gamble. That was until Bill Cipher's gang bet on one of their own boxers. They made the biggest bet the Mystery shack had ever seen." Soos said

"what happened ?" I insisted

"I beat their guy and they had lost their money. Of course that didn't stop him from sending one if his gorillas to beat me up. My spine was severely injured. The doc thought I was never gonna be able to walk but here I am. I have a slight limp and I had to quit boxing to remain alive, but I am here. The mystery Shack doesn't recieve the same amount of people as they did two years ago."

"That is...really blue Soos." Mabel responded with pity

"Well it could've been worse. I'm lucky to be alive, walking and not in any bigger trouble with those demons. I have to take care of my abuelita and that is good enough for to keep going"

"Glad you can think of it that way, cause all I want is to have that good for nothin' Gideon six feet under ground." Wendy answered with such hate

"Wendy it's not worth risking it, you said your self, it's just you and your family! Would your father be able to handle the loss of another loved one?" Soos told Wendy

"No. I guess you got me with the zinger in the end. I gotta a family to protect and I can't risk them getting into trouble. Though I am pretty sure they can handle on their own."

"Woah, how do you know which gang hurt you guys?" I asked

"By how they dress and speak" Wendy answered like if it were obvious

"Do you guys think you can identify which gang killed our parents? " I pushed
...if they could identity who killed my parents, then I can protect my sister, we could finally have them behind bars, where they belong.

"Why do would you lads want to know" Wendy asked with suspicion clear in her tone.

My thoughts still in obtaining justice for my family kept running as I answered her "we deserve to know, I mean they could always recognize us and then try to kill us."

Mabel's face of fear may have been what stopped Wendy from questioning my motives, but to see sister like that makes more angry and curious.

"Well, seeing it that way, I may be able to help you" So is reassured us "Do you know how they looked like, could you describe them"

Mabel was still silent in thought. I would have to talk to her later, reassure her that nothing bad will happen to us. I described our parent's murderers based on the police and eye witness reports, while we were cleaning the tables and chairs. "They were wearing cowboyish out fits very expensive looking and they speaked with a texan accent."

At that moment, Wendy and Soos gasped.

"That sounds a lot liks...Gideon Gleeful's gang "Wendy said

"His gang used to belong to his Dad, Bud gleeful but he retired and the gang went down to him.'' soos added

"Yeah but his gang has always been at war with Bill cipher's since he arrived." Wendy imputed.

"Do they come frequently to the Mystery shack?" I asked nervously

"Almost every night" Wendy said grimly

short chapter i know. BUT the next one will be longer i swear.

Please review give me your opinion and see ya'll next time.


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