property of ________

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Dipper/ Bill POV. This is when they are both speaking (3rd person narration)

3 days had passed and we still were on square 1. How to control who is in charge?

"Pine Tree it's not that hard you are over thinking this. You have to trust me with your thoughts and emotions." Bill tried to reassure me.

"I do trust you it's just that-" I started

"No you are not trusting me you have to let me in if not we will never get gideon and his goons in prison to pay for their deeds."

"Ugh fine."

Bipper breaths in and out with a relaxing tone.

"See that's all you have to do breath and let your emotions and mine become one. Sounds cheesy but it's a real thing."

" I told you already nothing will stop me from keeping my sisiter safe even if I have to become"one" with you. That sounds really wrong you know."

"I know. Now you must divide your emotions and find an emotion that will let me take control of the body."

"Huh? What are you talking about."

"Think of all your emotions. positive and negative. Lets say when your mind has a negative emotion like anger, than you are in control but if you become, I don't know, excited then I use that as a code to take over your body until your mind goes back to another emotion."

"Oh that makes more sense. So what emotions should I keep for myself."

"Which ever you feel like keeping"

" ugh...there is to many to choose from and i can't just choose any" I started to whine.

"FINE! You know what take a break! Go to the woods, explore, relax, do what you have to do to clear your mind so that when you come back we can do actual progress!" Bill said with an irritated tone.

"But what if i get lost in the woods?" Bipper asked timid.

"Well then, if you don't return by sundown then i will transport you back here. Got it!" Bill said clearly angry at Dipper for making both speak as Bipper.

"Y-yes Bill" I whispered timidly

Soon a flash went around me and I was all alone outside of the church.


Dipper POV.

The sun was starting to go down and I still didn't know what to do.
I could do so many combinations on which emotion to use and what not, but I still wasn't sure if I would be able to help Bill like he wants me too.

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice the roots of a tree sticking out.
I tripped face first. When I got up i had to lean on the tree but the tree bark was way to smooth. I touched the "bark" until I found a gap. I lifted that gap like a door. Inside was some sort of metallic gadget that looked to complicated. I pushed a few buttons and moved some handles. Soon enough I heard a weird sound coming from the ground.
As I turned around the ground was opening! I scrambled back away from the hole. When the ground stopped opening I carefully neared the hole. Inside there was a type of book covered in dust with spider crawling off the cover. I reached for the book.

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