Sweaters and Strangers

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Chapter 7

Hope you like this chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. AU belongs to Tybay and gravity falls has its own puppet master

Dipper POV.

~flashback of the night of the ritual before he got kidnapped~

Fantastic. That is how wonderful Mabel sang. It felt like if she was part of a hollywood movie.

So many people were in the bar and everyone was anticipating her act. On the other hand my act sucked.

Tomatoes meet my face, while BOOS and other insults were chanted from the crowd.

"Hey Dipping sauce" Mabel said as she entered our room after we closed.

"Hey" I answered with no emotion in my voice.

"Your performance was good tonight " she pitched in innocently

"Yeah sure it was" sarcasm dripping form my mouth "Mabel I am covered on tomatoes to prove how well my act went."

"Oh Dipper, I know tonight's performance wasn't the best but you are good, don't trust that drunken lousy crowd, they don't see real talent on less they are wearing a dress."

" You only say that because you are my sister. Mabel you are naturally talented. You could be a success I know you can. "

"Dipper I - "

"DIPPER! Come and help clean your act's mess" Grunkle Stan shouted his commands.

" why does he have to clean now. Why not tomorrow?" Mabel asked

"Because I said so" Grunkle stan said as he entered our room.

"well I will help you brother dear"

"No Mabel, your brother has duties of his own too. If he can't bring profit to the shack, the least he can do is clean." grunkle said as he left the room "See you down stairs."

" but stan-"

"It's alright Mabel. I can clean the shack." I said at last.

"But Dip-"

"No, Mabel. If there is something I can do is clean." I scolded

"Sorry dipper I didn't mean to insult you."

"It's okay. Rest up, tomorrow will be just as busy as today. If not more."

"yeah...Hey I'll make you a new Sweater tomorrow, like the ones mom would make you."

"really, that would be nice. Wait. Since when do you know how to sow?"

"You don't know everything about me Dipping sauce"

"Oh Mabel. I can never stay a little upset with you. Good night Mabel"

"Night Dipper-"

"DIPPER! HURRY UP!" Grunkle shouted again from downstairs

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