Chapter Fifty-Six.

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Aimee’s P.O.V.

Meghan just dropped out of consciousness. It was quite scary. Zayn didn’t know what to do with her lifeless body in his arms. Liam ran in with a cold facecloth and held in on her forehead. "Come on Meghan, wake up." He whispered to her. The whole room fell silent. No one knew what to do. No one could believe what just happened. Liam and Zayn tried so hard to get him off Meghan but when Marcus starts, he doesn’t leave until he finishes. Whatever Liam had done seemed to be working. Meghan came around a bit and started coughing and coughed up a bit of blood. I felt myself gagging at the sight of it.

"Are you ok babe? Are you going to be sick?" I shook my head and covered my eyes so I didn’t witness anything more. I looked back up when the coughing and spluttering had died down.

"Megs, are you ok? How do you feel?" I asked quietly.

"I don’t know, what happened?" She said, holding her head.

"Oh god, have you forgotten everything again?" Niall asked worried.

"What? No, I – I remember Marcus appearing and him trying to kiss me but the rest is just a blur." Zayn tightened his grip on Meghan while Liam went to find the boys medical person.

"You stopped him from hitting Liam and he went ape shit on you and kicked you and stuff..." I said quietly. I hated being the one to have to tell her but none of the boys seemed like they were going to. Meghan groaned in pain as Liam returned with a woman holding a first aid kit.

"Ok Meghan, where are you feeling the most pain?" Helen, their nurse asked.

"Uh... my ribs and my head." She said.

"Ok, does it hurt breathing?" Helen asked, pressing on her ribs. Meghan winced and nodded. "Can you stand up for me?" We all watched as Meghan tried to stand up. It looked as though it took a lot of effort and pain for her to stand.

Meghan’s P.O.V.

I slowly stood up, with searing pain rushing though every part of my body. I eventually got myself standing, only to feel dizzy again. I pushed my hand on my forehead to try and stop the room from spinning. I quickly lost my balance and felt myself falling, only to be caught by Liam. He manoeuvred me over to a chair and sat me down and knelt beside me, waiting for Helen to finish her tests on me. "I don’t think there is any major damage done, a few days rest and plenty of food and water will help. I can strap your ribs up a bit to help minimise the pain but give you painkillers for the rest of the pain. As for your head, the resting should help that. You boys - and Aimee – look after her well. If she is still in pain in a few days I’ll come back and see her." Helen stood up and assisted me in standing up with Liam’s help. They led me over to the bathroom where Helen used thick bandages and wrapped them tightly around my ribs to support them. I walked out and thanked Helen. She nodded and went back to wherever she came from.

Aimee’s P.O.V.

Liam helped Meghan back into the living room. She was about to sit down when I realised something. "Wouldn’t you be more comfortable in bed? Not that we don’t want you here but it’ll save you having to get up again later." Meghan nodded slightly then looked at Liam then back at us.

"Night guys." Meghan said.

"Night Meghan!" Louis and Niall both said.

"Night Megs, sleep tight." Zayn added.

"Don’t let the bed bugs bite!" Harry smirked. Meghan smiled at us all and Liam smiled at her. He put one of her arms around his neck and slowly and gently lifted her bridal style. I smiled when I saw Meghan blush as Liam carried her off. I snuggled into Harry and he wrapped his arms around me. "Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you or anything?"

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