Chapter Sixty-Seven.

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Aimee’s P.O.V.

I finished my descent on the stairs and Harry moved closer to me. I took a step back from him. Mum saw the tension between us and walked off. Thanks mum. "I guess you’ve seen it?" Harry said quietly.

"No shit." I said, trying not to cry or yell in his face.

"Look, don’t hate me I-"

"I don’t hate you." I sat down on the bottom step of the stairs and stared at the ground. Harry knelt down in front of me. I sensed him looking at me so looked up.

"Can we go for a walk? Or go out for breakfast? I want to explain what happened." He asked, looking into my eyes with his which were full of hurt. I sighed and went upstairs. I pulled on jeans and a sweatshirt and my converse. I wasn't trying to impress anyone and I felt like shit so I didn't give a fuck. I walked downstairs to find Harry being interrogated by my dad.

"Ready to go Harry?" He nodded and we walked out. We walked in silence through the streets and passed houses until we came to a small cafe which only had a few customers. I didn’t feel like eating. To be honest, I felt sick. I got a small coffee and Harry got a hot chocolate. We sat down at a small table. "Ok, now explain." Harry took a deep breath then started to speak.

"Ok well when I lost you in the crowds I was trying to call you but the line kept cutting off. So I went to find one of the other boys to see if they had seen you. Before I found one of them Lauren appeared. She was quite drunk and was literally throwing herself at me. I tried to get her o-" I jumped up off my seat and ran to the bathroom. I threw up. I slowly stood up feeling really shaky and unsteady on my feet. I leaned on everything possible to keep myself steadied as I made my way back out to Harry. He rushed over and held me up. "Babe are you ok?" I shook my head.

"Come on, let’s get you home." He walked with me slowly out of the cafe. We earned a few weird stares from people and if I didn’t feel like shit I would’ve given them the finger. We made it out onto the street and I started getting sharp pains in my stomach. I pressed my hand on my stomach to try and seize the pain. It only made it worse.

"Harry, I can’t walk any more. Get my dad to pick us up, please." Harry nodded and I handed him my phone. He sat me down on the edge of the footpath while he phoned my dad. A while later, I was back home. I made it into the house only to be sick again. Harry never left my side the whole time. He held back my hair and rubbed my back. I couldn’t move from the bathroom. The pains in my stomach wouldn’t let me move. Tears were streaming down my face. I was so scared. Mum spoke to Harry out in the hallway. I could hear their conversation a little.

"Do you know what’s wrong with her?"

"Um, not reall-"

"Harry just tell them, please. I can’t do this on my own." I’d given up on hiding it from them. Mum can’t be mad at me if I’m in pain because of the baby. I heard Harry sigh.

"She’s um, she’s pregnant..." I heard my dad run into the room.

"She’s what?!" He yelled.

"Dad! Don’t be mad at Harry, it’s my fault I’m sorry. I-" I couldn’t finish the sentence for the pain. It was almost getting unbearable now. Mum ran in, crying and hugged me.

"Shh, it’s ok. Phillip call an ambulance!" Mum said softly.

"No mum I don’t need to go to th-"

"Nonsense, there’s clearly something wrong."

Meghan’s P.O.V.

"So then she was yelling in my face saying that I have to move out of London with her so I just walked out and drove round to Aimee’s. Then her mum spoke to my mum and somehow convinced her to let me stay here." Liam was in shock. He tightened his grip on me as we lay on my sofa watching TV.

"I don’t know what I’d do if you moved away." He mumbled into my hair.

"Stop being a big cheeseball!" I laughed at him and my phone started ringing. Harry. "Hello?"

"I don’t want to worry you or anything, but Aimee’s been rushed to hospital." He said.

"What?!" I straightened up. Liam tensed beside me.

"It’s something to do with the baby. Don’t worry, they said it doesn’t look too serious right now but by the way she looks it seems serious to me. Her parents are here now so you don’t need to rush over."

"Ok thanks Harry. I’ll see you later." I ended the call. Liam looked at me.

"What’s happened?" He asked and we both sank back into our previous positions.

"Aimee’s in hospital. Something about the baby."

"Well do you want to go over there?" I shook my head and moved in closer to Liam.

"Her parents are there so I’ll let them spend time with her." Liam nodded and we turned our attention to the TV. Spending the whole day with Liam was great. We didn’t really get peace on the tour bus so now we finally had alone time to just talk and catch up. We had ordered Chinese and were eating it in front of the TV where we spent most of the day.

"So, it’s Christmas in two weeks." Liam said, out of the blue.

"I know...?" I looked at him confused as to why he was bringing this up.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with us at the 1D house?" I almost choked on my fried rice. I’ve spent every Christmas alone for the past few years. Aimee and Josh came to visit though, inviting me to their place for dinner but I never really saw the point. It was just another day. I sound like Scrooge or someone but I’m just being honest.  Spending Christmas with Liam and the guys sounded like so much fun. I nodded towards Liam.

"Yeah, I’d love too."

"Good. I’m sure Harry will want Aimee there too so it’ll be great." We both smiled at each other.

Liam’s P.O.V.

So Meghan agreed to coming to our house for Christmas. I’m sure Aimee will come too. Harry and I just need to book the holiday now so we can give it to them as a Christmas present. That reminds me, I have to go shopping for everyone else too. "It’s almost six. I better go and see Aimee." Meghan said, finishing her food.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Meghan shrugged her shoulders.

"If you want too, I don’t mind." She smiled and went into her room and came back out dressed in skinny jeans which were ripped, but the holes were patched up with leopard print. She wore a light pink top which was very low in the chest area and just covered her stomach and no more. She added a navy cardigan and pink converse. I was still intrigued by her top. What can I say, she's my girlfriend, I'm allowed to stare. I smiled as Meghan walked out of her room. She looked good. I stood up and kissed her. I felt her smile into it which made me do the same. She pulled away giggling. "What was that for?"

"Nothing, just letting my girlfriend know I love her." I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"There we go again with the cheesiness!" She took my hand and dragged me out the door.


We walked into the ward Aimee was on. We spotted her mum and Harry in tears. Meghan ran over and hugged her mum. I did the same with Harry. "What’s happened, is she ok?" I asked, looking at both of them.

"She’s... l-" Her mum started.

"She’s lost the baby." Harry whispered. His voice was full of hurt. It pained him to say it. Meghan pulled away from Kathy.

"She’s what?" I could see the tears filling in Meghan’s eyes. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back.

"Our baby’s gone..."

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