002, Buda

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By the improved speed of the new bus while crawling ascending at the crucial winding slope of curving highroad, it's now much easier than before.

Since it was regular type, unlike those deluxe that windows are shut, here you can freely see the beautiful city and the ocean (started from the bay is bluish green and continue to the far wide is beautiful blue sea) from above.

After further unthinkable hours traveling, now he can see the beautiful farmland of Quezon. Even thought his destination still faraway, enjoying the scenery is the best killing time for such journey.

So once again the bus is going to climb allowing him to witness the wonderful of the irrigated plains from above, until the view is unable to be seen anymore.

The bus will once again climb to Buda, mean "Boundary of Bukidnon and Davao" or "Bukidnon exit and the entrance of Davao."

It's noon time when the young man Ellimetiro Sirusi reached the place. He steps down from the bus and feels the silent surrounding. Very few vehicles are passing on the highroad though, and the sounds always standout to anybodies attention.

By the incrementing speed, the bus is running again and it continues to its destination.

Feel free to look around and see some houses so far in distance. Very few people are on the place though, not more than four or may decrease if they obey their angry parent.

He did cross the highroad and enters the eatery empty of customer. Spending a little rest, later on he ate his launch.

When his belly was full, he goes to the cashier to give the cash, and asked some direction about the place to where he is headed.

The cashier drew his destination with words and arms sign, and the young man replies, "Thanks." And he begins to move.

After several hours walking across on this dull yet awesome place where only trees, small dried branches, and grasses on the environment. The day starts to twilight and the deafening silent is roaring the surroundings.

The bats are now flying everywhere.

Birds and insects either other animals engender a sounds shivering for a body, or making thoughtful mind preconceive to superstitious and uneasiness.

He musters bravery to cross along the high and long hanging bridge with ease. Then, he continues to walk down the path of mangoes farm.

His uneasy feelings make him worried and doubtful to everywhere. He always glances behind, looking around, and eying to each corner of the path, doubting somebody's presence beside him. He moves a little fast, nervous feeling beating coldly on his chest. He was afraid, until...

He bumped to someone and they stumbles to ground. He apologizes quickly and when he gains a sight...

He feels ease and good grief. The young man is very quite while staring at the person whose beauty appealing to the eye. He saw that pinkish white skin. Ignoring the feeling of friction for he continue gazing.

She has long black hair - length until below her knees. She's wearing black shaded sunglasses that the eye couldn't be seen, dressed in a green t-shirt under her open unzipped green strife jacket, and wearing a green strife miniskirt.

She has a body that young man always and most dreamed of.

He gives her a hand, and the girl accepted and smiled back at him in a strict way. They both stood and Ellimetiro apologizes.

She goes to his side and lays her hand to his shoulder momentarily - she's strict even her voice when she speaks, "It's no big deal for me but you must better watch your way. You're not alone using the path, so do care next time." Then she walks heading opposite to his destination.

The eyes of the young man is can't be averted, staring at her going far. Amazed by her beauty, until...

His heart is throbbing fast. The fright is all over him. And his body is shivering seeing...

In the blinked of his eye the young maiden disappeared like a pop of bubble.

He thought of returning but he had walked kilometers far. Also that girl is headed that direction so he continues moving onward, afraid.

The dim slowly approaches and the silent becoming more deafening. The sky starts to darken and the fright that the young man had felt is becoming more even infecting.

He prepares the flashlight and fetches some snacks on his bag. He continues to walk while the dark is ruling the night. He spotted the street until he reaches the double pathway.

The path heading left had no signboard and it's going down. The place he was going is — much like mountain viewing place, so he chooses the second path to the right with the sign written "RALPONSO" with an arrow above.

He glances on his watch, it's almost seven and thirteen pm and his stomach starts complaining. He fetches some snack on his bag again, chewing while heading.

So far walking, he exits and enters to a wide rough road and notices that the path is continue somewhere to the left. He looks to the right and saw a wide black gate made of grills.

He goes to peek to only realized that the rough road inside continued far even more.

His eye glances to everywhere and to only found out, no house around nor even a guardhouse rather than those trees and the wide grassland.

Momentarily at peace, the gate suddenly opens that made him draws back. It's open very wide without anyone around the gate. He thinks that the door used new technology, somehow with have a sensor. He was amazed and surprised until...

He bumps to someone. This time it made him trembles because the hands crawls slowly to his waist, until...

It hugs him. Then someone whispers near to his ear.

He familiarized the voice...

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