005, So, is this Farewell?

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As the evening falls to midnight and cool winds blowing rustles around the tree branches.

Nocturnal animals such as bat took reins in the sky.

Screaking of insect anywhere are providing entertainments to anyone ears whereas resulting to different outcome depending of the listener's desires or beliefs.

Some owl hoots and it's flapping its wings, disturbing some rooster's sleep making that rooster howls into this deafening midnight.

The wind blows continue passing through the body of this young maiden ambient with red seems visible to the naked eye. She was standing solely on the rooftop of the grand house of her. Her arm stretches for she wanted to reach the stars above the clear sky by her hand, thinking and wondering.

What have I done,

did I scared him too much?

I just wanted to have a friend.

Looks like I failed.

Maybe, tomorrow when he wakeup,

he will think that I'm evil.

I don't want to be alone anymore,

I 'm sick living on this imprisonment of my own loneliness.

I wanted somebody to frees me from this,

to be valued by someone,

and to be love even though I posses this kind of life.

Or even just friend is much better.

I remember...

when I hug him a second time he bumped on me.

I kind of like it.

I felt wanting more.

When he carried me on his arm, knowing he is worried

I felt like I'm ascending to the sky and

make me afloat onto the clouds, lying there.

When I kiss him, my first kiss to a man,

even it was a... no....

Above the clouds please...

help me, I don't want to be alone anymore,

I like him.

But, I don't know what on his mind.

I don't know what to do.

Now that he saw my eyes...

I don't know... anymore....

I wanted to felt this feeling occurring in my heart even

more much longer, but I'm afraid of losing... hmn...

Please above the clouds, grant me this favor.

Tomorrow morning maybe the last time and

goodbye to him yet these feelings may carve to my...

The sky was empty of cloud, the full moon is very bright and

the stars are twinkling.

I wish, he well not mad on me tomorrow when he woke up.

I wish...

Morning comes and the bright ray of sunrise enters inside this bedroom and the beautiful song from different kind of birds is hailing this good new day.

The young man wake up and feels the air coming from the outside. The open wide window welcomes the day light. He thought the nightmare occurring last night was just a strange dream of him.

He suddenly remembers everything that happened and convinced it was not a nightmare. He glances to the window and swallowed his saliva. He's looking around examining everything and can't believe what he just saw making him trembles. He held his hand on his neck but there was nothing there. He was confused, so he lied back and head in the pillow closing his eyes.

From the bath room, a girl is bathing using the shower. When she's finished, she winding her hair with the smooth towel and subsequently covers her body with another towel. She goes to the kitchen and carries the food's tray.

Then, she appears to her bedroom, and surprised! Seeing the young man was not on the bed. She put down the tray in the mini table and she walks to the cabin in a little angry. She draws the drawer to fetch some of the dresses to wear...

Afterwards she disappears...

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