009, Inspired...

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Ellimetiro searches all over the place that he could went inside the wide mansion, but he can't find Rebuda. The outside rings to his mind but still the cold air surrounded the atmosphere. He forced himself to walk just to seek Rebuda for apologize.

The dawn approaches and the birds chirps for the raising sun. Every rooster near or far started to flaps their wings and howl. Never did stop walking, tracking down the path, and finally he saw the young maiden crying — just her eyes in red — on the giant rock. The girl notice him on the way.

  "You had tailed me... What you are-"

"About, my rudeness."

"I know it's not on purposed.... It just, it just... My heart is painful... I don't, I don't know it sting."

"That's why I'm here, I hope you can forgive me."

"Are you still scared of me right?"

  "A little, but my wanting to know you, having you as a friend are evidence that I'm still here."

  "You really want to be my friend!"

'Your reaction didn't match your face,' Ellimetiro thought. "I stick that promise to that rock."

   The young maiden hug him in the please of her heart, it so light she felt after she heard those words. Ellimetiro can't resist beside he embraces the girl, cuddling himself, caressing her long shine hair to refrain her from crying. He lift his head to the sky and thinks, why did he got that damn horrifying dream.

Daylights came, the young maiden teach the young man on riding this giant dog. At first the young man stumbled to the ground and the young maiden smiles at him. In the second try, he manage to mount! And then, begin his exploration. The dog runs as fast, they've across eight parts of the same river and reach some mountain range. They went down the plain to take a look at different kind of flower, birds, feet-long lizards, and many kind of snakes and insects.

They walked to the marsh near the river and they stop near the water falls. In a moment later, they move again and discover a wide pond home by many animals enjoying the place. The young man was attract. After unmounting, he walks near the pond. He was surprise and unable to quickly believe. "Sometimes wonder can only be found in a small place like this," he stated.


Oh this beautiful and lovely little lake.

How could you not, if you are their hives.

You carry them all, and feed them all.

You caress them all, and wash them all.

I'm the dragon, the fastest chopper in the wind,

the tiger of the wind that hunt down evil mosquitoes in the air.

I'm the musician, and lilies is my boat,

I sang, a song that they ever been heard.

We are the vessels that never been sunk,

and where the submarines that jump out and back on the water.

They are the spider that walks on the water surface,

than these beetle that dive underwater.

I am the fairy that shinning for you all,

with this wonderful little lake is only a pond.

A voice shakes the place engenders tremble to the young man. He looked around and the dog wasn't there. He looks back at the pond, every animal was gone. The wind starts to cold, and the young man felt somebody's presence. He yells asking for a reply but no one answered. The place started to deform onto his vision, his feeling becoming weak. The since stopped! — And things comeback to normal and saw the young maiden standing on his front, inviting him to take a launch. He thought maybe the young maiden did, and decide to forget everything. They appeared on the dinning room and pray before taking launch.

The young man still thinking that phenomenon. He remember those words, from a very deep voice, "YOU HAVE MY THANKS."

He went outside the mansion, the dog is lying in the garden's grass. He caresses its head and asked for a mount. Somehow this pet is quite bright. He ride this unique breed, with speed faster than before. When he reached the pond, he step the ground and walks nearby. He yell many times for a reply and disturbed the peace of the animals dwelling the place. His words echoes but never receive a reply.

He did continue and everyone around gone, even the environment disappeared. A violet dark color of ashes and fog embodies the surroundings, as the setting in shadows by red atmosphere. His Adam's apple shook up when he saw a black shadow of man standing on his front. The young man can't speak well but he try to ask these person if who is he/she.


The voice gone and things come back to normal. The dog is there lying on the ground feel sleepy and even the young maiden is there staring at him for the whole time. He asked this beauty if she saw anything and the young maiden replies that he was sleeping there for the whole time, standing on the front of the pond dreaming for something.

They head back to the mansion. He was astonished standing, equilibrizing. This beauty was confuse and worried, she asked, secretly interrogating. He didn't tell the truth, beside he teased her, and praised her for being attractive yet strict. This young maiden somehow flustered.

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