|| prologue

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"Millions of people have decided not to be sensitive. They have grown thick skins around themselves just to avoid being hurt by anybody. But it is at a great cost. Nobody can hurt them, but nobody can make them happy either."

                                                       - (Osho)

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EVERYONE HAS HAD THAT ONE PERSON that changed their life. Whether it was for the better or for the worst. 

But everyone has that one person.

That quote means a lot to me. Why? Because it shows who exactly I have become. Someone who decided to grow a thick skin around herself to shield out anything thing that could possibly hurt them in one way or another.

But it also means that no one could make me happy except for myself.

Everything that happens in your life, happens for a reason. One thing you do it will affect anything in the future. Whether, it's you dropping a pencil and someone you don't know picks it up, bang, you have a new friend.

Or someone who you decide to just take a chance to reach out to someone and become their friend, just for the hell of it.

Then you never know. Because that someone is someone who can change your life forever. They will be stuck in your head for until you die. Every movement will remind you of them. Everything they did to you will hurt you. Every second passing will kill you because they. are. forever. stuck. inside. your. head.

Even if they're gone from your life.

Until you meet that someone else to change everything someone once told you.

That one person can make you forget all about them. All about what they did to hurt you. What they did to shatter you to pieces. That one person can make your heart beat a million times faster. Make your hands and feet tingle. Your eyelashes flutter.

Your lips curve upwards.

Every person has their own story to tell. Whether it's about family, friends, teachers, classmates...

But this is mine.

I crashed and burn but remember there's always someone to pick you right back up.

My story.


A/N: Her story is one that will be close to my heart because some of these that's happened to her, happened to me. This is my way of healing my heart and feelings by writing her story. Even if no one reads this, I will continue because essentially this is my story too. I hope you guys enjoy. 


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