chapter 1 || dark nights

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"My greatest fear is that eventually you will see me the way I see myself."

                                          - (Anonymous)

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"SO, DO YOU COME HERE OFTEN?" the guy in front of me asked. He was roughly around 17 - 19 years old. Not old enough to be an actual adult but not young enough to be a freshman in high school. Although, one look at him tells me he was confidence, arrogant and handsome. Confidence since he just sat down at my table without any regret and remorse. Arrogant since he had that huge smile on his face, thinking I would probably say 'yes' to the next question he was about to ask. Handsome because well, I'm not one to deny physical attractiveness.

I didn't say anything and stared blankly at him. After a whole minute of staring at him, I looked down at my iPad and continue reading my book.

"So, want to go out sometimes?" he asked, still with that huge smile on his face.

Told you he was going to ask that question.

I still wasn't going to say anything and kept on reading my book.

"Ah, so you're the quiet one. Okay, I can dig that," I can hear the light and happiness in his voice but still I didn't say anything.

You see, I know their types. You meet the girl, you get the girl and then you dump the girl. Happens single every time. All you can do is ignore them and hopefully they'll move on. Especially the guy in front of me who happens to be Issac Carter, the playboy of our school. The boy every father wants their daughter to date, even though he's supposedly a "playboy". The boy who's rich and insanely attractive.

You know the guy. Every girl's cliche dream.

"Wait, you're the girl that..." he trailed off, finally actually looking at me. His mouth was slightly opened and I gave him a forced grin before going back to my book.

"Alright, closing time kids!" Pete, the owner of this coffee shop - Perk Hill - boomed out loud. Closing time was 11 pm but I didn't move an inch since he would usually let me stay until how ever long until I wanted to. Apparently, Issac thought differently.

I hissed out a breath as his hand touched my left hand that was resting on the table. "Do not touch me."

"Whoa, okay, chill. Just saying that Pete said-"

I cut him off and spat out, "I know what he said. Why are you still here?"

He gave me a questioning look. "Because you're still here?"

I gave him a deathly stare and said one word. "Leave."

"No, I'm not leaving you-" Fortunately, he got cut off by his cellphone ringing in his pocket. He let out a deep sigh and pulled it out. "Yes ma. Okay. Okay. I'm coming. Alright. Uh huh. Yup. Okay. Okay. Bye ma." He shut it off and grinned at me. "Good thing for you, my ma wants to see me. I'll see you soon, Avery. Get home safe."

With him taking the last word, he left the table without a second glance. Finally.

But instead, Pete took his spot. "Whatcha still doing here girl? I thought you was all better now."

Pete was this big, red, country guy in this forties who decided to open up a coffee shop because he thought it would be a good experience. He was always joyful and laughing with every customer that comes in through. Everyone loved him. He wasn't married but he always has said that the bachelor life was great, as well.

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