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Angelica woke up before the sun rose one again. She had picked out her clothes the night before. It was another Barbie girl outfit. She wasn't wearing a single thing from hot topic. Angelica put on some pink lip gloss and of she went to the bus. Her first class was with Jake, she hoped he liked her. She was surprised by her new results. Instead of a compliment he looked at her like she was a virus. Every time she tried to talk to him he would only answer in one word. Every time she tried to walk next to him he would walk farther away from her. I'm just never good enough for you am I? Fine then if Jake didn't like Angelica as the new her or the old her then maybe it was for the best. It was time to get over him. Angelica has said that sentence many times before but this time she truly meant it with all her mind. I Angelica Brown am going to get over Jake Williams for good. The first step was to delete all the selfies and pictures of him and her together and him alone. Second step was to stay away from him and if he ask why he never would though he doesn't care about me come up with a lie or the truth. Jake was one of the most understanding people she new. Step three, well let's just see if Angelica can follow step two first. She was tired of being a real life Barbie.

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