Fix you

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  On the bus Angelica was thinking of how odd her life has been lately. With Jake and his odd attitude toward her only going a way for a little bit just to come shooting back, and her  friends  Ruby and JJ making a plan to try and fix that. Not to mention vacation plans for her spring break trip out of the country and to top it all off, school work and working out non stop. With all the stress building up in Angelica's body she turned to her cello, dance, and art. Slowly she unpacked her cello and took out her bow tightening the hair on it and rosining her bow again. After tuning the actual instrument Angelica sat down and started to play the Bach cello suite no. 1. She could feel herself slowly calming down so after she packed up the fragile object she walked down to get basement and started to make up choreography for a contemporary dance. Angelica is naturally an intense dark person so it didn't surprise her at all that the dance to Coldplays fix you was about death. After she was done finishing up that dance she moved on to another song called cuts that spell a song that was solely about depression. It was a modern piece. After a few more numbers and some drawing she was calmed down. A few things still bothered her though
1. Why does Jake suddenly hate me?
2. What did Tessa have to do with it?
3. What are JJ and Ruby planning?
4. When is it going to happen?
5. Will it make things between Jake and I worse or better?
6. Why is my life so hard?
  Angelica just missed the days when all she had to decide is what she wanted for breakfast if she ever ate it. If only there was someone out to fix me. I thought it was Jake who could fix me and make me happier but I guess I can just add him to the list of people that want me to jump off a bridge.

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