Hey my earbuds!

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It was a Thursday morning, Angelica slept in again. It has been going on more and more and it was a bit concerning.

The bus ride was the same, Latin was the same, gym was different. There was a new girl names Jasmine and Angelica finally got to meet her. If it wasn't for Ruby's talking and complementary, Angelica's appearance might have scared the poor girl. Jasmine seemed pretty nice and Angelica had known for a while that she rode her bus but Angelica could never really talk to her because she always sat in the first seat as Angelica sat in the very back.

After gym was English. If you haven't guessed already, today was an A day. There was a substitute teacher, thank the lord. All the class had to do was go on computer and then do a worksheet which was super easy.

Algebra was funny as always, Angelica never really learned anything in class because it was too hectic but, she was always able to charge her phone in class and the last few minutes until the bell rang kept Angelica awake.

As soon as the final bell rang Ruby and Angelica soniced out of the room so fast all anyone could see was combat boots and sneakers. (Guess who's who). Angelica pulled out her earbuds and started humming along to Bring me to the Horizon- Run until the music went mute, but it wasn't the song that stopes it was Ruby that pulled the earbuds away. "Hey! You know music is my lifeline!" "Yup! That's why I took it. You never pay attention when it's in your ears and I need you to be alert." Why do I need to be alert? We are just going down the stairs. Oh. That's why. Jake was walking down the hallway with a few of his friends, when he saw Angelica he made a beeline strait for her. "I am so gonna kill you! Now give me my earbuds!" "Never!" "Jake! Ruby took my music away!" And of course Jake being said replied "Good job Ruby! Don't give them back, she never pays attention when she has them!" Uggh you were supposed to be on my side! When Ruby and Angelica got at the bottom of the stairs Angelica got her earbuds back. Ruby threw them on the floor and walked away. Angelica absentmindedly picked them up not knowing Ruby did that to slow her down.

"Darn she gave them back." "Yeah by throwing them!" "Nice, I guess we will just walk to the bus lot just the two of us then?" Uggh I like you but if I spend time with you, you'll realize what a freak I am. What's one more walk to the buses though, right? "Sure." And so they walked talking and laughing until they went their separate ways.

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