Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Jasmine Pov

6:05 a.m.

Beep Beep Beep

Ugh! Stupid alarm clocks! Why were these things invented anyway??

I rolled over and turned off the alarm. Sigh. I turn onto my back, staring at the ceiling. I am not ready for the day to begin. It's my first day at this new high school since we moved back to California. We moved back after my dad had passed away.


It feels like forever before I finally get out of bed to get ready. I got a little stuck in my thoughts.

Heading to the bathroom, I begin to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I finished with my hygiene, I go to my closet to pick out my outfit.

Hmm, what to wear? What to wear?

Got it! I pull out my white t-shirt, an all black sweatshirt, ripped acid wash jeans and all white Nike's. After getting dressed, I cover myself in axe. Ah, my favorite cologne!

You know for the ladies! 😉😉

I make my way downstairs, after making sure I had my bookbag and phone, and head towards the kitchen.

"Hey baby", my mom says as I approach her. Giving her a kiss on the cheek I reply, "Hey momma!" I frown as her face changes. Lecture time. Ugh. it is way too early. "Now you know this is a new school and you--"

I cut her off, "Mom, I know... I will be on my best behavior damn!"

"Girl, don't cut me off and watch your damn mouth!" she chastised. "As I was saying... you better not go in there messing with all them fast ass girls."

No promises, I thought to myself, but chuckled out loud.

"A kikiki my ass! I'm not playing with you, Jasmine. Also, as soon as you get there, make sure you go to the office and get your bus pass." She finished.

"Yes, Ma'am." I said and began to walk out.

"Remember what I said about those girls, Jasmine!", she yelled after me.

I just smirked and walked out the door.

Waiting at the bus stop, I began to get impatient. Ugh, this shit needs to hurry up! I swear I've been standing here for three years. I was grateful when I saw the bus pull up around the corner and - slowlyyyy - made its way to me.


The doors open. I turned back to my house and looked at it once more before climbing onto the bus. Here goes nothing...

I was greeted first by yelling and screaming. Just great! I'm on the bus with a bunch of wild animals. Goodness, it's only I move to sit down all the way in the back, ignoring the shoving and pushing from the kid's seat hopping. Trying to keep my anger in check, I sit down and attempt to tune them out by putting in my airpods.

Please, let this bus ride be fast.

Jamming to "Kickin' Back" by Mila J, when I felt eyes on me. Someone was watching me. Looking around my eyes landed on this stud. She was light skin with dark brown eyes and short straight brown hair. She also had a horseshoe piercing in her nose.


Wait, Pause, I did NOT just say another stud was sexy. Ew, I sound like a cliché in my own brain. She made her way over to me and took one of my earphones out, rude. "You're in my seat." She said to me. I just stared at her, not saying anything. It was way too early in the morning for B.S.

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