Chapter 12: I need her

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Jasmine's pov

One week... One whole fucking week. And nothing. No texts. NO calls. Not a got damn thing. I've been calling every day at least three times and day and all I get is her fuvking voicemail.

"Wassup, Its Kiara, I most likely didn't  answer the phone because I am FUCKING YOUR BITCH! -Laughs- Leave a message...or not" BEEEPPP

I felt my chest tighten in anger. She was being childish. She could've at least fucking talking to me about it. I felt like all my energy is being wasted right now. But something inside of me is dying to just give up.

*One month later*

Still nothing.... Honestly I just feel so tired. The most I've seen of her is on her instagram account. She looks so happy. I wish I was the one making her happy.

I recently found myself a job. A LEGIT job, not drugs. I work at a mall, Footlockers, to be exact. It was a pretty good paying job. The employees were cool and I haven't had any problems with the customers.

Slowly, Kiara began to fade from my mind. Though, any thoughts of her still made my heart beat rapidly. I haven't heard from her at all since over a month ago. It was beginning to take a toll on me as I desperately tried to find things to occupy my time. By things, I mean girls.

Recently though, it was this girl named Angela. She was beautiful as hell and her positive personality was attractive as hell. I loved spending my time with her though a very annoying voice in my head kept nagging that she wasn't Kiara. She will never be her. I sighed.

Soon, after I got my job, I got a small little apartment that I could afford

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.Soon, after I got my job, I got a small little apartment that I could afford. It was a nice one bedroom and one bathroom apartment that's 30 minutes away from my job. It wasn't all that but I was content with it.

I rang her doorbell once and stood back with my hands in my front pocket. She opened up the door s few moments later and smiled at me. Her contagious smile, caused my lips to contort into a smile as well. She was truly something special, but even I knew that my smile didn't reach my eyes. It would have to do for now though.

I stepped closer to her and kissed her on the cheek, smirking as she blushed. I stepped away to close the door. Once I did, I turned back to her with a smirk and she ran up the stairs. I chased after her as she screamed.

"DONT RUN NOW!" I screamed after her laughing.


3 years later...

I miss her like fucking crazy. Three years... one stupid kiss resulted in me losing the love of my life for 3 years. My heart stills aches for her. I thought that we would just move past it and be stronger than we ever was, but it broke us. It broke me.

No matter how much time I spent with Angela, I couldn't get her out of my head. All I can do is wait and prays that she comes back to me. I still call her at least once a week but I still always get her voicemail. I miss her voice.

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