Chapter 9: I'm drowning...

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Kiara pov

*3 weeks later*

Jasmine and I have been on edge for weeks. We have been stressing ourselves over this mysterious person. We can't even sleep, jumping at every noise. We haven't even been doing our regular jobs and ignoring our own bosses calls. Everything feels like a trap.

"I can't take this anymore," Jasmine stressed. "we need to leave. We need to go somewhere else. Just-- just to away from this drama." I sighed.

"You're right," I agreed. I stood up and went to go get my computer. I immediately started looking up flights. "WHere do you want to go?"

"Let's go to New York." She replied rather quickly.

"Didn't you come from there? Now you want to go back?"

"Yeah? Why not?" She replied seemingly confused.

"I mean-- do you think it's safe? I mean forreal, if they see that we left, that's like the first place they would check for you." I replied trying to get her to change her mind.

"Maybe... they will think that we already know i've been there, and won't check because of the reasons I left in the first place." She suggested.

"Yeah but--" I started.

"But nothing, they won't even suspect that we're going back," sh argued, "Now come on, make the flights, we have to stay two steps ahead of them." She finalized.

Sigh. I'm not going to argue with her. EVen though I don't think it's such a great idea, she doesn't seem to want to change her mind.

"Fine. I will make the flights for Wednesday. So now, we have 2 days to see what we want to keep, and what we have to leave behind. She nodded in response, already heading to her closet to began packing. I went in shortly after her.

"Aren't you going to go home and pack?" She asked.

I shook my head,"I'm not going to risk leaving, and something happens to one of us because we were too focused on packing." Every movement we make has to be precise and careful. We can not afford any fuckups, we have too much on the line. She nodded.

"We will do your stuff today, and mine tomorrow so we don't over work," I told her the plan, "I'm going to go make dinner."

Without letting her respond, I walked out of the closet and went downstairs. As stated I went into the kitchen to begin cooking. I stood there for a moment. Letting my mind go to ease as I recall a memory.


August, 2005

"Mommy! Mommy! Can i help?" I ran into the kitchen when I heard her start the stove. I loved to help mama cook. She showed me little tricks I could use to become a better cooker in the future.

She laughed," Sure baby!"

"Here," she handed me some weird yellowish, clearish liquid in a bowl," you can stir the eggs." I stirred making sure not to spill. I kept stirring until the liquid was complete;y yellow and creamy looking.

"Okay, now pour it into the pan" She spoke calmly. I went and pulled out my stool and put it in front of the stove. I climbed up carefully and poured the eggs into the pan.

"YAYYY! I did it!" I screamed, overjoyed at my accomplishment.

"Yes you did" my mom smiled. I stood there cheesing at her as we continued making the rest of breakfast. A smile permanently glued to my face.

*End of Flashback*

Snapping out of my daydream, I felt a tear stroll down my face. I wiped it away and went back to making dinner.

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