Chapter 3: I can't let you in

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Kiara pov


"We love you so much," my parents cooed. My mom handed me a card, but I didn't look at it because I was too focused her. My parents had my entire heart. I wouldn't change them for the world.

My dad kissed me on the head softly and then my mom. I love them so much. I don't even know how we got into this situation. They never tell me much about their outside life. I never noticed because I was too blinded by how much time they spent with me at home to care.

"It's going to be ok baby" my mom tried to comfort me.

The tears wouldn't stop flowing, my mind was trying to make up any excuse for why this would be happening to us. To them. They are the best parents anyone could ask for. Who would want to hurt them?

"OPEN UP THIS DAMN DOOR!" Some deep voiced man screamed from outside. I whimpered.

My mom clamped her hand over my mouth. My parents had cut into the side of the mattress and took out some stuffing. They stuffed me into the pocket so I wouldn't be seen and made the rest of the bed. Lifting one flap to see my face as they talk to me.

"Shhh baby, you have to be quiet, we will be right back," my dad promised.

They both made the bed, putting the flap down. I heard their footsteps fade away.

*door opening*

"So you think you could just get away from this, no you're in this forever," the deep voice said in a calm sinister tone.

"Derek, please-- "my mom began.

"Shut the fuck up bitch"


He cut her off.

"Go search for the girl," he ordered. Me?

Two more sets of footsteps came closer and closer. Slamming open doors, throwing boxes that we had begun packing to move.




The footsteps stopped right in front of me. My breath got stuck in my throat.

He got on his knees and sat there for a bit until I heard him get up again and walk out.

"She isn't here boss" one of them informed Derek.

"Where is she?!" He screamed again. I assume that was directed at my parents.

"She is at a friend's house" my dad quickly lied. Why do they want me? Who are these people?

I was trying to keep my sobs to myself. I didn't want them to find me.

*bang bang*

Two shots went out quickly. The house was silent, not even the wind made its presence known.

"Let's go" Derek commanded. I waited until all the footsteps exited the house. The house was silent again.

I released all my tears then and cried for a few minutes before I got myself together. I had to see my parents.

I crawled out of the mattress quickly but silently. I stood there for a second waiting to see if I heard any movements.

I slowly walked out of the room until I got into the living room.

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