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it was early today, the sun shining bright on my arms as i brewed myself some tea. luke had left a little bit around seven am and said he forgot about his band rehearsal that was at six. he said he'll bring the boys back with him and i get to meet them.

i stuck my head in my hands, i was stupid for trusting someone. he could be a killer and bring his killer friends in here and i'd be dead right a long with those girls and ashton.

i heard a small knock on the door and a, "it's luke" following after it. i walked to the door, checking my appearance in the mirror real quickly.

"hold on" i said a little loudly.

i opened the door, getting pulled into someones arms and letting the outside air engulf me. i heard two groans and the person pull away.

"cal, i told you not to do this" luke said.

i turned to the person who hugged me, who i'm guessing is cal, and his tan cheeks turned into a shade of pink.

"i'm sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck and i chuckled.

"it's fine, it made my day" i said. he smiled at me, causing me to smile back at him.

"can we go in?" a blue haired boy said.

"of course, let's go" i opened the door for them, luke stopping in front of me.

"the black haired one is calum and blue haired one is michael, they go by cal and mikey for the nicknames. they're really touchy as in hugs, randomly grabbing your hand, messing with your hair, and touching your face. they apologize after everything so they'll probably be asking you if they can do anything. just tell them to calm down if you start getting to the point where it's too much or very annoying" we watched as michael and calum walked into my kitchen.

"they asked me what your name was and i was a little embarrassed to tell them i don't know. wanna tell me your name?" he gave a small laugh and i slapped my hand to my forehead.

"i'm sorry, my name is faith, i can't believe i didn't tell you my name. i'm so stupid" he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"don't beat yourself up over it, you must have forgot. especially since i asked to come into your house without you even knowing me."

"calum you dumbfucker!" we heard michael yell.

luke and i ran to the kitchen, calum had a small knickknack in his hand, it looking like a drum stick but smaller.

"michael keeps thinking i hit him with this" calum handed it to me once he saw my face come into view.

"well then tell me, who else is in this kitchen except for me and you, huh? who else would hit me with something except for you?" michael sat his hands on his hips and made a sassy face.

"but it wasn't me!" calum whined.

"then who was it? the ghost?" michael groaned. i felt my heart sink to my stomach, luke's face was pale. that's when it sunk in, the only reason why all this activity was happening was because of the boys.

"luke, buddy, you okay?" calum snapped his fingers in front of his face and luke nodded.

"yeah, yeah, i'm perfectly fine" he gave them a fake smile.

"okay" calum's voice trailed on.

michael asked to go upstairs, which i allowed, and had us all follow him, luke standing behind me and putting his hand on the lower part of my back.

"this used to be his room" michael said walking into a room.

"luke, that was locked when i moved in. it's been locked for a while" i turned to luke and grabbed his hands, his small smile appeared back on his face.

"it's fine" he gave me a short hug, squeezing me tightly before we heard a sinister chuckle from behind us.

"let's just go" luke pushed me into the room slightly.

i walked in the dark room. band posters were hung up almost everywhere, albums stuck to the wall and nice speakers sat on the floor.

the bed was a light blue with purple pillows and some papers scattered around. michael picked one up, scanning it over and smiling slightly.

"he wrote this a while back because we were gonna start a band" he handed me the paper, my eyes scanning through the words.

"who's heartbreak girl?" i turned to the three boys and they shrugged.

"we never really knew. he always called this girl heartbreak girl" calum said looking around the room again.

the door slammed shut, a cold gust of wind hitting us all in the faces. none of us were near the door, all somewhere around the room.

"let's get out of here" michael said slowly. you could feel a slight change in the room.
calum went to open the door, him struggling.

"it won't open!" his cries out were frantic and you could practically hear his heart beat.

"just calm down, it was probably just the wind" luke went to open the door, the doorknob hardly turning.

"oh yes because that's wind" michael said sarcastically.

"look, this is no time for play dates okay you little girls!" calum took a baseball bat, hitting the doorknob in hopes it'll do something.

"that's not going to work you idiot!" michael yelled.

out of nowhere, i felt a burning pain on my back as i fell to the floor. all eyes were locked on me and all luke rushed to my side, michael and calum following shortly after.

"faith, what's wrong?" luke grabbed my hand and squeezed it earning a small 'awe' from calum and a whack to his head from michael.

"my back, i-it burns" tears escaped my eyes as luke lifted up my shirt. i heard three gasps and felt someone lift me up.

"f-faith?" luke held me up as my back faced the mirror. michael lifted up my shirt so i could see what was wrong.

three letters were placed under my bra, all were bleeding and purple formed around them.

"guys" calum turned to both michael and luke before gulping.

"what?" michael groaned before fanning my back to try and keep the burning down.

"it says ash, as in ashton"


dedicated to toxicnights because i love kidnapped and named my character faith after her character faith elliot. :D

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