|| thirteen ||

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i heard a low chuckle before i fell to the floor, my head hung low. my eyes closed shut, my heart beating fast. i felt a scratch against my arm, my head throwing back and tears escaping my eyes.

i felt a tear hit my hand, it burning a small hole on it. i looked down at the rest of the tears, all of them red and burning my hand. i looked around at the dim room, a light bulb hanging from the ceiling, flickering.

i screamed, it silently falling out of my mouth. i heard foot steps hit the floor as i cried more, the tears hitting on other parts of my body and burning them.

a tall guy walked in the room, his brown hair slicked back, his piercing blue eyes staring into mine. his septum piercing had a small amount of blood around it.

he wore black jeans, a black shirt with a leather jacket. his dark black wings with purple specks matched it. his boots clicked on the floor as he smirked at me.

he snapped his fingers, a chair appearing in the middle of the room. he motioned for me to sit, which i did. his wings flapped slightly before they folded behind his back.

"welcome to your own personal hell" he held his hand out, waving it around the room.

"where am i?" i looked up at him.

"inside your own head" he chuckled darkly.


"leave ashton alone" he grabbed my wrist, a small burning sensation started to grow, heat radiating off of it.


"he's our favorite dark one. ever since you've came, he's started to, lighten up and glow. he's not so dark anymore" he growled, his eyes turning purple as they harshly stared into mine.

"let me-"

"funny thing is faith, he doesn't actually love you. he tells you that but it's not true. you think that any demon has a heart? no. wonder why i'm burning your arm? because i don't care" he smiled darkly before letting go.

"you know faith, it's so ironic how your name is faith and he has no faith. he'll kill you soon, sweetheart. if i were you, i'd stop talking to him so you can save your life" he frowned falsely.

"who are you?" i grabbed my arm, blowing slightly.

"my names driean, but you can call me dri" he did a courtesy bow.


"you're faith, but i can call you babygirl" he clicked his tongue and smirked before snapping his fingers.

i was the greeted face to face with my bedroom wall. the covers surrounded me and i felt the comfort of the room. i looked down at my wrist, the burn mark still there. i felt a coldness on my shoulder, my head snapping up and turning to what it was.

"who did that?" ashton said at the end of the bed, his normal figure greeting me. his wings were folded to his back, his clothes looking slightly like driean's except he wore a red and black flannel around his waist and a black tank top.

"nobody" i looked down, my heart racing through my chest. he'll kill you soon.

i put my hands over my ears, driean's chuckle piercing them. i felt a coldness overcome my body.

"faith, please tell me what happened" ashton said. i looked back up at him, his face slightly dropping at my behavior.

he doesn't love you, faith.

"shut up" ashton stared at me, his face with sadness.

he's gonna kill you, faith.

"shut up" i felt tears stain my cheeks, my hands placing themselves back on my ears.

"faith" ashton grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly.

leave him alone, faith.

"shut up" i squeezed ashton's hands.

i'll make you a deal, i'm gonna give you power that's as strong as his. that way, you can kill him first and be the most loved, most wanted, you can rule this world.

i felt a spark fly throughout my body, every flaw going away, my clothes turning dark, a burn in my back. ashton's eyes went wide as he grabbed my body and held it close to him.

and now kill him and you'll rule.

"i said shut up!" i yelled. ashton flew to the floor, his wings flying out. the lights went out, the windows shutting, along with the doors. everything in the house went silent.

"faith! no, no, no!" ashton said frantically. he stood up, grabbing his hair and my body, hugging me tightly.

"ash, what's going on with me" i felt a burn on my palms, my eyes shutting tightly. i dropped to my knees, i hunched over in pain. a numbing pain flew through my back as ashton fell to the floor with me. he slowly pulled me up, anger written all over his face.

"faith" he held his hand out, like he was going to smack me.

i shielded my face, something going out of my hands and hitting ashton. he fell down, clutching his stomach in pain.

"faith, who turned you?" ashton asked with gritted teeth.

i turned to the mirror. black wings were stuck on my back, blue running throughout them. my clothes were all black, my flannel blue. my hair was black with blue on the bottoms. my eyes were an ocean blue. i felt tears fall down my face as i turned to ashton.

he grabbed my hands, his skin no longer cold, just the exact heat as mine. he growled, looking into my eyes.

"his name is driean"


pronounced (dree • an)

i feel like driean should be a real guy because he sounds hawt.

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