|| eleven ||

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luke sat in my kitchen, michael and calum sitting on either side of him. they each looked at each other, practically silently asking who was going to tell me the story.

"well. remember when you lived in that little tan house. you were probably fourteen at that time, ashton was eighteen. crazy yes, but trust me, it gets crazier." luke started.

"oh yeah! i do remember that house!" i said.

"alright. well ashton lived across the street from you. once bryana left out of his life, i started coming over a lot. i noticed that he always wanted to go outside around the time you came home from school. one day he told me he started to like you, he's never talked to you but thought you were gorgeous."

"at first i thought it was crazy and stupid until your dog ran over to ashton's lawn. i came down to get it for you, you were prettier in person. when you said 'thank you' i practically melted right then and there. i knew it was wrong, though. ashton had really liked you already."

"ashton saw you one time at school, he almost fell out of his cafeteria seat. i thought something was seriously wrong but it wasn't, he just saw you. when he died, he was only twenty one. when you moved, i honestly didn't know where you moved to but apparently you found your way back. it was crazy when i knocked on the door and saw the same girl i saw when i was fourteen. the same girl my best friend fell in love with."

luke swallowed, pulling his collar away from his chest and letting air hit his chest. michael coughed before continuing for luke.

"we didn't know about you until after luke came home from your house. he explained who you were, why ashton loved you. then after really hanging out with you, we thought that we couldn't tell you. the guilt was eating me alive, yes, but we can't just tell you that our best friend fell in love with you and that the three of us used to know you" michael said.

"i didn't fall in love with you, but i can see how ashton did. you're a really fun person to hang out with faith, please don't hate us" calum looked at me with pleading eyes.

i don't know what bubbled inside of me but i just burst into laughter. my whole face started to heat up, my laughter turning silent and tears falling out of my eyes. michael soon followed in, then luke and calum. we all started howling in laughter, me clutching my stomach and my cheeks starting to hurt.

after the laughter died down, our faces turning back to their usual colors and the tears clearing up from our eyes, michael's eyebrows furrowed down in confusion.

"why did we just laugh our asses off?" he asked.

"guys, i'm not pissed. i am a tiny bit mad that nobody told me ashton loved me and that you guys actually knew me but not enough for me to drop you guys as friends" i smiled at them, calum mumbling a small 'thank god.'

"i don't even recognize you guys. i only remember the kid that got my dog for me. i can't even believe that the kid was luke" i told them. luke laughed a little, taking his lip ring in between his teeth.

"i was a pretty ugly kid" luke said. i let out an airy laugh.

"you didn't seem like such a ugly kid to me" michael frowned.

"muke as fuck" calum chanted.

"calum, shut it" michael stuck out his finger, scolding calum.

"you guys are insane" i laughed.

"if ashton's spirit really is here in this house, i hope that he misses us and i definitely hope he doesn't hate us for telling you about the past" luke said. michael and calum nodded, me doing the same.

"i miss him" calum frowned.

"i do too" michael added.

"i'm sure i would too" i said.

"shit, if you were friends with us, you would've made ashton so happy. you make us super happy, very happy. ashton would've loved you" luke said.



owjwow who do you think said definitely?

i'm super tired guise.

goodnight babes. it's 1:22 a.m.

love you all.


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