|| nine ||

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i could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand high. the cold chills tingled down my spine as my eyes clouded up.

i had opened the basement door just to get a screwdriver, dropping it down the stairs. funny thing is, all the other ones came tumbling down with it.

i felt a small tug on the bottom of my shirt, my whole body leaping forward. i didn't turn around, i just grabbed the two screwdrivers that were left on the floor.

i heard something roll, the main screwdriver i needed. great. i felt my hair being pulled back, my butt hitting the floor with a thud.

upstairs i could hear the doors slamming open and closing. the small light downstairs flicked on and off. i heard cracking sounds, my body feeling limp.

i felt pains everywhere, blood gushing out from underneath my eyes. i cried, cried whatever liquid i had in my eyes.

my back hit the ground, a large figure overpowering me. black eyes stared darkly into mine, black blood falling out of it's mouth. he took his claws, scratching across my cheeks.

he chuckled with a sinister chuckle, my heart thudding through my chest. i kept crying, struggling with my weak body.

i whimpered, squirming under the hard touch that i was feeling from what i think is demon ashton. i felt every bone in my body break, the pain feeling unbearable. his claw touched my cheek, his fingers sliding across it slightly.

then everything stopped. the lights turned on, the doors stopped slamming. i looked up, ashton's dark eyes and nasty face turned more beautiful. his eyes were hazel, his face was pure. his teeth turned into normal ones, the black blood dripping from his mouth was cleaned up. he looked like how he did in the flashbacks.

the pain in my body stopped, the scratches healed. i didn't feel numb, i felt perfectly fine. ashton stared at me, trying to growl but failing. my heart was still racing, i didn't know why he was turned to this form and trust me, i didn't want to know.

his thumb touched my cheek where the tears stained, it was now normal tears. ashton wiped them, sniffing his finger, for some odd reason, and then disappearing.

i slowly stood up, feeling on my skin, slightly pressing. nothing was hurt anymore, it was like all of my bruises and scars weren't there anymore. i felt on my back, the skin feeling soft without that huge scar.

i ran up the stairs, closing the basement door before wiping under my eyes. i placed my thumb where ashton did, my eyes closing slightly.


ashton stood in his room, wiping the corners of his mouth continually. he hit the wall with his hand, a small hole forming. he frowned, looking in the mirror and staring at his reflection.

"i think i love her" he slammed his hands on the dresser.

he pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing someone.

"hey bryana?" he sighed. once she answered he responded back with, "i know we're broken up, but i'm finally over you. don't talk to me ever again. goodbye" he scoffed. he smiled proudly at himself, pulling out a picture of a girl.

"i really love, fai-"


a loud knock on the door disrupted the flashback. i walked to the door, a little girl who looked about eight stood in my porch, smiling softly with a box of popsicles.

"hi sweetheart, how can i help you?" i smiled back at the girl.

"i'm savannah, i'm six years old and i am trying to raise money for a fundraiser" she pulled out a little card with sloppy hand writing on it.

"if you're interested, it'll be 50 cents" she showed her teeth, a gap in one of the front ones. i told her to wait a minute as i grabbed 50 cents out of my purse.

i handed it to her, grinning before asking, "where's your mommy?"

she pointed to a blonde headed girl with a wagon next to her while she glanced down at her phone, "she's right there."

"oh okay, don't want you roaming these streets alone. thanks for the popsicles sweetheart!" i waved as she walked down to her mom. she whispered something to her mom, her mom smiling down at her while the girl pointed up at me.

i took a look at her mom as she looked at me, smiling and mouthing 'thank you.' my heart stopped in my chest, my body running cold, and my eyes practically falling out of my head.

her mom was bryana.


oh shat.

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