|| sixteen - final chapter ||

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"faith, do you know how gorgeous you are?" ashton messed with my hands.

i looked down, blushing slightly. "no, i never thought i was gorgeous."

"i think that you're the prettiest girl i've seen since i've seen girls" he laughed a little and gave my forehead a kiss.

"thank you ashton" i grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly.

so far i only had around thirty minutes left. ashton tried to calm down by making the most of it and leaving the situation be instead of continually looking at the clock.

"beautiful, stop worrying" ashton smiled sadly at me.

"i'm trying not to ash" my heart started racing as i could hear small beeping noises in my ears.

my head started to pound and my back was burning. i stood up, falling right back onto the floor afterwards. tears flew out of my eyes as ashton ran towards my side.

"faith, it's time" he grabbed my hands.

"ashton" i cried out.

he tried to touch my cheek, his hand going straight through it as the wings feathers started to slowly turn white and shake off shortly after.

"faith, i'm so sorry. i love you so much" he cried.

my wings eventually were gone off my back, my clothes turning normal as i could hear the beeping noises become louder. ashton slowly starting to fade.

"i love you ash" i looked up at him.

"i love you too faith, i'll always be there for you"

suddenly, his warm lips touched mine and in a split second, they were gone and i was back to the real world.

the beeping wouldn't stop, my eyes not wanting to open. i heard my name being said about 100 times before i finally opened my eyes.

"faith, honey. time to get up for school" my mom threw the covers off of my body, turning off my alarm clock as i checked the time; 6 a.m.

i stood up from the bed, my mom walking out of the room after telling me breakfast will be ready soon.

i went into the bathroom, washing my face and putting on a little makeup. i changed into my school clothes, throwing my hair up in a messy bun and walking downstairs.

"faith, pancakes for breakfast" my little brother smiled as he ran into the kitchen. i trailed in behind him, my mom sitting there full plates on the table.

i ate my breakfast and waited for my best friend delilah to come and pick me up for school. my mom kissed my forehead before i walked out of the door to delilah's car.

"ready for school?" she asked as she put on her sunglasses.

"nope" i laughed as i fixed my hair in her mirror. she laughed along with me and drove to school.

once she pulled up, we both got out, swarms of other high schoolers piling into the high school. i walked in, seeing the four popular boys of the school standing in the middle of the hallway.

"quit staring. they'll notice you" delilah said as she grabbed her books from her locker.

"i wish they would" i laughed. i stared at ashton, his hazel eyes trailing over to me, locking eyes with me as he smiled a little.

"they'll never talk to losers like us" delilah frowned.

"speaking of, i had a weird dream about ashton last night. a haunted dream."


i lied. Just this chapter.

the book is officially over.

so if confuse, the whole haunted thing and her in the house and knowing the boys and becoming a dark angel, was a dream.

so the reason this book was weird and sort of rushed is because its a dream. dreams only last 7 seconds before you have a different scenery of it. that's what this was sort of based off of.

pls tell me it was good because i had a dream about michael that was sort of like this so i had made this book her dreaming it.

i love you all, especially amy and leah.

-addie is sad that this book is over

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