|| six ||

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after the hospital let me go, luke took it upon himself to stay with me no matter what. it's been night four and nothing's happened, i keep waking up in the middle of the night from bad dreams about just anything, i guess luke sees this more than i catch myself doing it because he doesn't hardly sleep anymore.

"please get some sleep" i said as i grabbed his arm. we were sitting in his kitchen, he finally invited me to his house for a small bit until his family got home because he felt they would embaress him too much, as his face fell slightly and a small amount of drool poured out of his mouth.

"but you gotta be safe" his head popped right back up and he took a small sip of coffee, something he's been doing for these past few days.

"i'm safe with you" i smiled at him and his eyes twinkled.

"i guess you are" he flexed his muscles a tad bit and i laughed.

"some good muscles you got there" i smiled at him. we both heard a knock on the door and groaned.

"i'll get it" he said with a yawn. he opened the door, two crazily familiar faces appeared.

"i brought you all sorts of things because i really don't know what girls like" michael said as he pulled out a large teddy bear, some makeup pallets with makeup brushes and lipstick, chocolate, and a cute little outfit that 'he put together himself.'

"michael gordon, you spoil me like a princess" i laughed and looked at everything he got me, everything expensive.

"well you're my princess" he gave me a hug and we heard a loud cough, causing us both to look away and turn our attentions to luke.

his cheeks were red, his eyes were a darker shade of blue, he was jealous. i smiled a little to myself, he was jealous. micheal chuckled and gave luke a small smirk mouthing the words, 'fuck her if you love her' and walking into the living room with calum.

"were you jealous, lukey?" i stuck my bottom lip out and his face turned red, something he did when he was blushing.

luke was truly beautiful. his blue eyes glowed whenever the sun hit his face. he was pale but just the perfect fit to blend in with his blonde hair. his eyelashes reached to his eyebrows, something that was soothing to watch whenever he blinked.

his lips were a stained pink, like if you put on pink lipstick from the stores and it's hard to take off. his teeth were pearly white and perfectly straight, i notice them whenever he plays with his lip ring.

his muscles weren't as big as ashton's were but they surely were big. he usually wore shirts that fit tightly to him or shirts that were sleeveless. he was gorgeous as a person but not as gorgeous as ashton. what the hell was i saying?

"of course not" he squeaked. i laughed, standing up to kiss his cheek lightly as his pale face glowed.

"want me to get rid of them so you can take a nap?" i smiled at luke as he smiled back, his beautiful teeth showing.

"you can keep them, i'll go upstairs" he gave me a small hug and my forehead a small kiss, his lips lingering there for a little.

"alright, i'll talk to the little baby's" i laughed slightly and he rested his chin on top of my head.

"they love you. you're an amazing friend to them, you can just see it whenever they're around you. i've never seen them so happy since ashton's death, even when i've hooked all of us up with girlfriends, they've lost there's because the girls called them boring and depressing. i was torn, i truly was" he squeezed me a little tighter, resting his cheek against my hair and i could feel a small drop of water hit my scalp.

"he wasn't bad. he just wasn't bad. he was such a good person, he had so much ahead of him, why did he kill himself?" he stuck his head in the crook of my neck, crying a small bit before sniffling.

"he had a perfect life to live. he had so much, he had so many things and so much happiness to come. he could've went to therapy for the demons, he could've taken pills because of the nightmares" he cried a little more. i rubbed his back, pushing him away slightly as i pulled out a chair for him to sit in.

"i miss him so much, faith" he sat down, grabbing both of my hands and tugging my body towards him.

"yeah but think of it this way, if he wouldn't have died, he still would've suffered. no matter how many times someone tries to help you with your demons, they're always there, watching your every move" i told him. i've never had them but from what i've heard, they never go away.

"i guess not" he said quietly.

"go get your nap" i ruffled his hair while he scrunched up his nose.

"stop telling me what to do" he laughed and i smiled. i gave his cheek a quick kiss before walking into the living room with michael and calum.

"the princess has arrived!" calum exclaimed while i walked in the room.

"bow down, peasants" i said while a small chuckle.

"hey, what happened the other night?" michael asked.

"well, i woke up and cane face to face with this thing. i honestly thought i was gonna die. the thing wasn't going away and it hurt me. when i passed out, i had a flashback. it was of you two, luke, and ashton" calum's eyebrows furrowed and i continued.

"you guys were talking about pizza and then you asked if bryana had texted him. then luke got really quiet and such and told ashton that bryana was cheating on him" i said. michael's jaw practically dropped, along with calum's.

"that was the day that he caught bryana and that guy. that was the day that he was crying really hard and telling luke that he was right. the was the day that we to the ice cream parlor and ashton was talking about how he was going to kill that guy" michael snapped his fingers before sticking his pointer finger out and waving it slightly.

"that was the night he killed him" calum mumbled.

"how do you know that day?" michael's face turned a slight shade of red.

"i told you, i had a flashback" i said quietly as he stood up.

"did luke tell you that? did he tell you about that day? did he fucking tell you that?" he yelled. i could feel tears brim my eyes as he kept yelling.


"you're not even his friend! ashton would never fucking like you enough to have anyone tell you that! how the fuck do you know that?!" one right after another the tears would fall, michael turning his back to me.

"did you tell her?" he yelled at calum slightly before calum put his hand on michael's shoulder.

"mike, you're making her cry. this isn't like you, stop" calum said. whatever he did, he stopped michael from yelling and getting frustrated.

"faith, i-"

"just leave me alone" i grabbed my car keys from the key holder and walked out the front door, slamming it behind me and getting in my car, driving in the direction of my psychotic house.


awh : (

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