Putting Baby Asleep

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You were startled awake and sat up to the sound of your baby crying. You rubbed your eyes, as you looked over to see the space next to you empty. Slumping over and slinging your feet to the side you stretch and get up. You move down the small hallway in this tiny apartment. You cross the kitchen to get to the living room but you stop just at the doorway.

You smile as you place your hands on the wood and rest your head on them. Hearing a humming coming from the living room you see a body bobbing around and pacing back and forth. Then you hear him start to sing a little. Your smile grows more and your hand moves to cover your mouth. His voice is low and rough.

His white shirt moves like a bobber in the water awaiting a fish to take the bait. Your heart feels it's going to explode from your chest as you see him pace and sing to your little girl. You shift your weight and lean against the frame. Your little girl quiets at the sound of his voice and fusses at him when he tries to put her down.

You hear him cross the room and the exhale of his breath as he sits in the chair. You slowly move in and avoid all the creaky spots to peak around the corner. You see him in the chair with your baby in his lap. He rocks her a little in his lap. She's as quiet as a mouse and his eyes are getting heavy. You nearly giggle as you see his head bob until his chin rests on his chest.

You move from behind the wall and walk closer to them. Smiling as you pick your little girl up and return her to her crib. She only stirs slightly when you put her down but still fast asleep. Turning back to see Castiel asleep in the chair you take the small blanket to the side of the crib. Rolling it out as you move to him.

You cover him up the best you can with the blanket. His head rolls to his shoulder. You lean in and kiss his forehead, "thanks my love." You straighten up and walk back towards the kitchen. Peaking over your shoulder to see him with a bright pink blanket covering half of him. 

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