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Coming back from a long day you and the guys entered the bunker. You'd been helping in the technology area and showing them a trick or two. When you were in town you got to crash at their place, their place being a supernatural fortress with unimaginable playthings. You kept their computers and phones up to date and showed them the latest tricks at simple hacking. Sam seemed to pick up on it quicker but you never sold Dean short. But the one who was picking up on this very quickly was Castiel.

You picked him up a burner smart phone at a gas station and showed him how to do things with it. He could look things up and email the information to Sam in no time. When something went wrong he brought the phone to you and he'd lean in over your shoulder as you explained it to him. Some things you'd have to go over a couple of times but you didn't mind. You just took your time and showed the thousand year old angel, give or take a few years, and if he didn't get it you repeated the process. You had a sneaky feeling he acted more confused than what he was.

You'd help Dean clean guns, empting chambers and reassembling. Dean would talk to you and throw in a little flirting and you'd laugh and play it off. "Wanna hand me the pipe cleaner," Dean asked you with a wink. "Make sure you get it cleaned right." You gave him a side smile then went back to cleaning. Then Castiel came in and went straight for you. Leaning down he invaded your space, "it did this and I don't understand what it wants."

You look at the screen and smile, "you opened the GPS and it wants to know where you are. Of course it won't know where you are and you being an angel and all don't need this." You exit out of the app and remove it from the shortcuts. "There you go," you hand it back to him and he stares a little longer before finally saying, "thank you," and moving on. You went back to assembling the gun and when you were finished you were hungry and thought you'd fix a little something to eat.

In the kitchen you took inventory over the food and thought of a couple of things. You went to ask Sam and Dean what they wanted and Dean's room was first. You stood outside the door about to knock when you heard Castiel's voice as well as Dean's. Listening in you had no idea. "So Dean you're saying to show someone I like them all I have to do is buy them something and listen when she talks?" "Yea man. Women love shiny things and flowers and the best thing to do is listen to them. Well that and it's the easiest way to get in their pants." "But Dean we aren't the same size why would I want in her pants?" You suppressed the urge to laugh as you backed away.

You then came back down the hall, making noise and knocked on his door. "Come in," opening the door and coming in to a staring Castiel and Dean with an I-was-almost-caught-giving-advise-look. "Looking around in the kitchen I can make sandwiches or burgers. What is your choice?" You barely finished as he answered, "burgers." "Okay then," you turn to walk out and hear Castiel. "Hi y/n." You smile over your shoulder, "hi Cas." You act as best you can as if you didn't hear what they were just talking about. You leave and go find Sam. He's okay with burgers but as long as his doesn't have any burger in it, or bread. He ordered a salad.

After making the food you took plates out to the table. Sam and Dean took their plates and you were left looking at Castiel, standing in front of you with a single red rose. "Is that for me?" He nods and extends it to you. "Thank you Cas," you take it and kiss his cheek. "And listening to a girl doesn't guarantee getting in her pants." You look over at Dean whose jaw drops to the floor. You turn back to Castiel who has pulled out his phone, "will you take a picture with me." You smile at him, "its called a selfie and yes." 

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