008. raindrops

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i couldn't remember how long i have been awake for. i didn't even know what time it was, as the dark clouds were too heavy and filled up the whole sky. the room was awfully quiet, quiet enough to hear each little raindrop hit my window.

i almost forgot that jimin was still in the room with me, until he started to hum softly to himself. i guess the smell of cigarette smoke was too frequent that i got used to it.

i pulled my legs away from my chest and lifted my face from my knees, and the room was just as dark. i looked over at jimin, who was sat on the chair at my desk, reading a céci magazine that was previously on top of my stack of textbooks.

i must have been staring at him for too long, because i snapped out of my gaze when he said, "eunseo?" my eyes moved from the magazine in his hands to the cigarette hanging in his mouth, then to his eyes that were staring right back at me. "come here."

the gentleness of his voice made me hop off of the windowsill and walk over to him. he moved his arm out of the way, and his motions told me to sit on his lap. i obeyed, and he pulled me closer to his chest. the feeling of his skin on mine made me tense up until he put down the magazine and wrapped his arm around my waist.

it didn't feel right, but a slight sense of comfort came over me. he squeezed me tighter, and i could feel the vibration when he hummed.

his humming came to a stop when a vibration and the sound of my ringtone came from my desk beside us. before i could reach over and get it, jimin swiftly grabbed it from beside the lamp. he looked at the caller id, and without telling me who it was, he answered.

"jungkook, we're a bit busy right now."

i attempted to snatch my phone, but he hung up before i could even yell, "hey!" i attempted to get up from his lap, but he pulled me closer and tighter. his erection in his pants was now evident, and his hand began to trail up my thighs. i could feel his tongue slide along my neck, and his hands weren't as tight on me as they were before. i took that as a chance to spring up, and i looked down on the smirk on his face.

"you shouldn't have came." i rushed over to my bed and pulled the covers over me. "i told you that i didn't want to do this again."

"and yet, you were the one who was screaming my name last night. i'm sure your neighbors aren't very happy with you." he laughed. "just admit it, eunseo, you're dying to be mine again."

"stop!" i yell, and it felt like it was thundering right in my room. "i was never yours, jimin. i was just another little girl who you wanted to fuck with. i was desperate and you took me as an easy target."

he laughed again, and it made my blood boil. "but isn't it the same way with jungkook?"

it was silent again. the only thing i could hear was the rain getting stronger and stronger. the raindrops were comforting, as if they were asking if i was okay. i wanted to tell them that i wasn't but i didn't know why. i sighed, pulled off the covers, and began to watch the rain hit the window. my eyes grew heavy, and i decided to give way and let them shut. i didn't even hear jimin when he scoffed, "i thought so," before the door slammed shut.

and then i was alone. again.

i have a new taehyung fic up!!! pls check it out :-)

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