014. drunk

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little to no words were spoken throughout the whole car ride, but the silence was replaced by the faint sound of music coming from the radio.

with jimin in the driver's seat, they were headed to one of his and taehyung's favorite bars in the city. when the two of them suggested taking eunseo and jungkook out drinking, eunseo immediately assented, being that they just turned legal. jungkook, on the other hand felt a bit uneasy, but still complied anyway.

eunseo rested her head on the car window, watching the trees and other cars rush by. she and jungkook were sitting farthest away from each other in the back seat and chose not to think about their kiss that happened two days prior.

jimin didn't pay attention to what taehyung had to say, but instead adjusted his rearview mirror to center on eunseo. a smirk formed on his lips as he studied her body up and down until he was smacked on the arm with a "yah!", bringing his focus back to taehyung.

jungkook crossed his arms and leaned back onto the headrest with a deep exhale. he hadn't spared the girl beside him not even one glance the whole ride, even refused to greet her when she entered the car after being the last one to be picked up that night. he didn't even sense eunseo's eyes move from the road to him. she stared at him, for the longest time, for what felt like forever. and when she did, she almost had a feeling of remorse, but she wished that she could feel more. more for jungkook. more for herself.

she almost panicked when his eyes fluttered back open and darted from the seat in front of him over to her. but when she found the reflection of tears stained on his cheeks, almost every ounce of doubt inside her was no longer. jungkook looked pitiful when he caught her eyes, quick to avert it back out of the car window.

eunseo's hand hovered over her seat buckle, and sorry couldn't even describe how she felt. not only was the loud click of her seat belt undoing loud enough to startle jungkook, but what she didn't realize was that it was enough to catch the attention of the boy in the driver's seat.

she rapidly scooted closer, now in the middle seat, with her knees hitting the center console. she didn't even hesitate to slip her hands into his. jungkook only had a glimpse of the girl beside him before hearing the loud screech of the tires, and their bodies snapped forward as far as they could before being caught by their seat belts. eunseo looked up at the rearview mirror, only catching a tiny second to see the fire in jimin's eyes before his stern words, "we're here."

"yah, park jimin!" taehyung called out, but before his words could get to him, he was already out of the car. "what the fuck," he groaned, following after him, completely oblivious as to why the boy was so furious.


"10 more shots please!" jimin called out.

this was his 3rd order of shots already, but surprisingly he was the only one that wasn't drinking that night.

when the tray of shots came to their booth, jungkook took as many as he could. "jungkook," jimin laughed. "i didn't think you would like drinking so much. i thought you didn't like the taste of alcohol."

he was right—jungkook knew even before they stepped foot into the bar that he wasn't going to like it. but something compelled him to keep drinking, and drinking, and drinking, shots after shots. he continued on, not realizing that this was his way to sulk. to cope.

with jimin's arm around her, eunseo groggily held up her shot glass, "cheers!" before the alcohol slid down her throat, and she cringed at the stinging feeling. she laughed into jimin's neck, allowing everyone around her to take a look at how much of a mess she was.

jimin gently peeled her arms off of him and stood up from his seat. "i think it's time to go." those words cause jungkook to immediately shoot up, his eyes only on eunseo, extremely drunk and close to falling asleep on the seat.

"don't worry about her jungkook," a smile forming on jimin's lips. "why don't you stay here with tae, have some fun."

his voice lowered, coming to a soft whisper. he leaned over, close enough to jungkook to where they were he only two that could hear his words, "i'll take care of her."

adult is back!!!! i'm so sorry to keep everyone waiting, i can't believe it's been nearly two months since i last updated. be sure to check on my personal book, peachy, for some updates on this book and some others too.


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