016. highways

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eunseo leaned against the car window, staring out as the trees that lined the highway whooshed by. she wasn't sure what she was feeling, or if she was feeling anything at all. it was another gloomy day in busan, and it seemed to her that it was going to be this way for a while.

she peered over to the drivers seat, and the beautiful boy with the cigarette in his hand made no impression on her. he turned his head towards her and showed off his eye-smile, but eunseo couldn't help but not smile back. as she turned her eyes away, jimin paid no mind to it and continued to drive.

eunseo didn't know where they were going. she didn't care, anyway. she was aware with how in lust he was with her, and the fact that jungkook didn't only want her for sex made jimin crave her even more. he was just glad that she was someone who liked to give in to anything.

jimin took his last drag from his cigarette and flicked it out of the window before moving his eyes from the road back to the girl beside him, "let's have some fun, eunseo."


eunseo moved her eyes from the ceiling down to a moaning jimin, who was thrusting up hard enough for her whole body to be bouncing on top of him. she moaned along with him, she could feel that he was close, and she was too.

he was hitting the right spot at the right time, and she came undone just like that with his name twisting over her lips. he let out a breath and she relaxed, falling beside him onto the bed. she took the duvet and covered her body, and he laughed, thinking about how he just fucked her but she's still conscious about him seeing her naked. she looked around his room, and noticed how dirty it was; dirtier than she imagined an idol's room to be. their clothes were scattered on the ground, along with empty beer cans and dead cigarettes.

she watched as he reached over to his side table and roll up what she saw as cannabis into a blunt. she saw him light it, and his head rolled back with a smile on his face as he smoked it. jimin held it between his thumb and index finger and brought it up to eunseo's face. she didn't know what to do but just look at him. he chuckled, "it's okay, i swear this isn't bad for you." she hesitated, but she trusted his certainty and brought it between her lips.

it took her a few rounds to get it, but she felt a new, different type of high. she looked at jimin, her eyes low as the weed mellowed her senses. she couldn't help but laugh, and she didn't know why, but it was becoming harder to hold it in. the neighbourhood was playing silently in the background, yet she could feel every little detail of the song, and it sounded incredible to her.

eunseo climbed on top of jimin, straddling him, and ran her fingers down his abdomen. a smirk came upon his face and came upon hers, too as his hands gripped her waist. as he traced along her thighs her lip came in between her teeth with a giggle. "let's go again."


the sun had completed its tour for the day, and had then been replaced with a low moon. a blanket of wispy clouds covered the sky, but a very dim light still reflected upon the ocean.

eunseo and jimin were on his back porch, facing the infamous beach that flooded memories into both of their minds. they tried to occupy themselves by smoking more and more weed, and every time they took a hit it was just euphoria all over again.

"i'm so in love with you, 'seo, did you know that?"

although he didn't know it was a lie, she did. she didn't know what to make of it, whether to reply with "of course," or "you're not making sense," or "no, you don't."

she knew all too well that he misunderstood the word love with lust. she thought that he wasn't even capable of love, although that wasn't something that she wanted to occupy her mind at that moment. she was too caught up into the thrill of smoking a substance that was much too foreign to her body, that she wasn't even aware of the hand that was traveling up her thigh.

she turned to jimin, and she expected him to engage in another round of fucking, but he held her chin and pulled her into a kiss. she expected it to be hard, messy, and for his tongue to glide along her bottom lip but it was slow, tender. it was the complete opposite of what she expected from jimin, and it put her in a trance.

his hand went from the bottom of her chin to cupping her cheek, and it caused a completely unfamiliar feeling to come over her. it was too early for her to call the feeling love, or if this was what it felt like anyway, but it was too much for her to handle. just as the kiss was going deeper, eunseo pushed jimin away from her and stood up, baffled. "i can't."

she couldn't even bare looking at him, lowering her head as she walked back into his beach house. tears couldn't help but form in her eyes, and fingers ran through her hair with confusion. just as she sat down on one of his couches, a buzz came from her phone that sat atop the kitchen counter, and she immediately rushed over to see a message that was sent a few minutes before.

JUNGKOOK: eunseo where are you?




EUNSEO: i smoked weed with a boy on his back porch and he asked questions you were afraid of but i still couldn't kiss him on his couch

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