025. don't

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JUNGKOOK: it's been a while

JUNGKOOK: how are you, choi eunseo?

EUNSEO: it's only been a few weeks since we last met, jeon

EUNSEO: i'm doing well

JUNGKOOK: that's good.

JUNGKOOK: been a few weeks too long^^

EUNSEO: what about you?

JUNGKOOK: i'm in europe for a shooting

JUNGKOOK: norway. only for a few days though – until we move on to the next place

EUNSEO: really?? no way

EUNSEO: i'm in norway too

EUNSEO: my mom wants me to look for universities abroad

JUNGKOOK: so you're not studying in seoul?

EUNSEO: i don't know. nothing's for certain

EUNSEO: are you free right now?


"where are you going?"

i set my bags on the bed and turned my head to see namjoon stood in the doorway. "to see eunseo," i replied, turning back around to continue unpacking. i could hear his footsteps behind me until he placed himself beside my things, resting his hands behind his head and making himself comfortable. "right now?"

"mmm. but i need to run a few errands first."

"can i come?"

"no." i laughed, slipping my hood on and grabbing my phone before heading out.

EUNSEO: it's fine for you to come over right

JUNGKOOK: yeah i'm leaving rn

JUNGKOOK: but it'll take me a little bit i have something to do first before i go

i had been meaning to buy a new charger, along with an adapter, since i lost my old one on the way to norway. it was probably hidden deep in one of my bags but i didn't want to waste my time trying to find it.

everything was fairly close to where we stayed. there was a convenience store only a few minutes away, and thankfully eunseo's hotel was a fair walking distance from ours.

i stepped into the store, taking my hood off and putting my hands into it's pocket. from the entrance i could see the electronics aisle. it was all a very fast process; i found the charger and adapter that i needed in almost an instant and made my way to the cashier.

i handed her exact change, she gave me the receipt, and i said, "thank you" to her in english.

on my way out, i stopped by some flowers on sale. i contemplated on buying some for eunseo, after all coming of age day was coming up, and she was coming of age, too. it would have been best to buy it then since i didn't know when i'd see her again. but i didn't.

i put my hood back on and looked down at my phone to search up directions to eunseo's hotel. fortunately it was only a few minutes a walk from the convenience store. i was surprised by how much of a coincidence it was that we were in the same area at the same time.

in a matter of minutes i ended up at her hotel and headed up to her room, keeping my hood on and my head down as i stepped into the elevator. the chances of people recognizing me were slim but i didn't want to risk anything.

the elevator went up, then stopped, and i stepped out. i repeated the room number in my head as i scanned each plate down the hall, until i reached her door, already open. as i grabbed the knob to open it wider, i expected to see eunseo, and only eunseo.

but before me i saw a girl and a boy on the bed, sat beside each other and their lips locked.

a/n: sorry this sucked i had writer's block until the climax lol next chapter is a lot better i swear

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