020. longing

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the train slowed before coming to a complete stop, and i sigh, along with the loud exhale of the doors sliding open.

it was very rarely that i went to seoul, very rarely that i even left busan. this particular trip to the city was for the sole purpose of searching for universities, but my mother had added on bringing kimchi to her younger sister to the list.

clutching the wrapped container in my hand, i hung my head back and blew my bangs out of my eyes. i kept having to remind myself to get them trimmed, but always ended with brushing them to the side.

the train came to the next station, the doors exhaling again with its entry and inhaling with its departure. it was past rush hour, bringing only a few people to step on, and i soaked in the calm ambiance inside the bare train car.

the lone individual who came in this stop seemed different from the ones who i usually came across riding the train — this time they brought a familiar sense to them. i glanced up to watch them take a seat across from me, and i would've missed them if i hadn't done so.

it was a young male, with earbuds in his ears and a beanie over his messy hair. at this point i could only see the top of his head and i furrowed my eyebrows trying to examine the features that i could see. i could only feel flustered while i looked at him, and it wasn't because of the tips of his fingers or the sun's kisses on his skin but because he reminded me of the moon. he reminded me of the same moon that i cried to when i was alone, and there was yet but one person who made me feel that way.

it was almost as if he heard my mind calling his name when the boy looked up and his eyes finally met mine. my lips parted with a soft breath, and jungkook stood before me, frozen in his seat. he wore the same black mask across his face, and i almost forgot how seldom i saw him without it.

in the moment the announcement came for the stop i was supposed to get off at, i stood up, tightening my grip on the kimchi container in my left hand and my phone on my right. just as his eyes followed my movements, i followed his.

when the doors opened i instantly rushed onto the platform, with footsteps trailing behind me and matching my pace every time i sped up or slowed down. i was so into the thought of losing him that i didn't even notice i was walking so fast, i was almost running.

jungkook's hand extended and gripped my arm, stopping me and pulling me aside. i kept my gaze low but i knew we were right outside of the bathrooms, out of anyone's sight. i didn't even dare to look up at him despite him trying to make me do so. i was embarrassed, almost. it was awkward. it could have been because i hadn't seen him in so long, but that very feeling kept me from facing him.

"eunseo, look at me."

i shut my eyes, tried to tell myself not to cry in front of him until he placed his thumb under my chin and tilted my face up towards his. my eyelids slowly lifted up to see his view locked on me. he took off his beanie and kept it in his hand, brushing down his locks with his other. his hair was a lighter shade of brown, a much softer look than when i last saw him. i noticed him smile behind his mask, peering down at his shoes, and i follow. "i missed you, jungkook."

"i missed you too, 'seo. too much." we both looked up, and i frowned. three months wasn't even the longest i have gone without seeing him, but maybe it was because this time i was waiting, every single second of the day.

"i'm sorry, eunseo. i really am."

"i know."

a/n: sorry this was so short!! also happy birthday to my favorite boy :,) love him

a/n: sorry this was so short!! also happy birthday to my favorite boy :,) love him

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